How to use the word “stocky”

How to use in-sentence of “stocky”:

+ They were herbivores, and at times abundant, with stocky bodies and a powerful beak.

+ They have stocky legs at each corner of their muscular body, so when they walk, they take short steps and swing their body from side to side.

+ It has medium-length brown hair, stocky body, white throat, two black stripes on face and a pink, pig-like snout.

+ The capybara’s stocky body is about a meter, or 3 feet, long, and its shoulder is about 60 centimeters, or about two feet, high off the ground.

+ It is a stocky and muscular carnivore, more like a small bear than other mustelids.

+ The dicynodonts, now represented by a single family of large stocky herbivores, the Kannemeyeridae, and the medium-sized cynodonts, flourished worldwide, throughout the early to middle Triassic.

+ All species are large stocky birds with short squarish tails.

How to use the word stocky
How to use the word stocky

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