How to use the word “shame”

How to use in-sentence of “shame”:

– His mother, was not able to bear the shame of raising an illegitimate child in post-war Britain.

– Horace was incredibly proud of his father, and said he felt no shame in being the son of a freedman.

– A third way is to make children feel shame and expect people to laugh at them and then turn away from them.

– Not wearing the burqa brings shame on herself and family.

– Also, the terrible shame of the coward was called “Nith”.

– This death and defeat brought great shame to the family.

How to use the word shame
How to use the word shame

Example sentences of “shame”:

- They also wanted to protect them from the same kind of shame or teasing they had experienced themselves coming out of the desert many years before.

- To caustic shame and chagrin put all thine enemies.

– They also wanted to protect them from the same kind of shame or teasing they had experienced themselves coming out of the desert many years before.

– To caustic shame and chagrin put all thine enemies.

– Some people feel shame when some of the rules have been broken.

– There’s no shame in that — they need people, too.

– Often, people feel shame if their body is not covered to match their culture’s idea of modesty.

– And the Eliminations take place via the Cannon of Shame and features another one million dollar grand prize.

– It is kind of a shame that DYK doesn’t get more traffic, so I sympathise.

– Most children do not develop a feeling of shame until they are about five years old.

– The Democratic “Chicago Times” said, “The cheek of every American must tingle with shame as he reads the silly, flat and dishwatery utterances of the man who has to be pointed out to intelligent foreigners as the President of the United States”.

– The Bible does not make a distinction between shame as a consequence of not obeying a rule, and the shame resulting from nudity.

– People may be called “sheep” if they follow a leader without thinking or people can be called “Sheepish” if they are showing or feeling embarrassment from shame or a lack of self-confidence.

– Feelings like shame were also seen as bad.

– An honor killing is a member of a family being killed by other members, because of the killers feeling that the victim has brought shame on the family.

– The amount of clothing needed to take away the feeling of shame is different for each culture.

– She was also said to be a feeling of shame that a rich person might get when they saw poor people.

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