How to use the word “shaft”

How to use in-sentence of “shaft”:

– It involves the use of nets, or “heads” as they are called, which consist of a wooden or metal shaft with a net on the end.

– When the trigger is touched, the shaft of the cnidocyst fires like a harpoon.

– The rotating shaft of the motor was also the axle for the wheels.

– It is usually done by grabbing the shaft of the penis with one hand and while grabbing the shaft the hand moves up and down, repeatedly retracting the penis until the male reaches orgasm.

– The shaft of the penis may also stimulate the clitoris in some positions.

– A driveshaft, drive shaft, driving shaft, propeller shaft, or Cardan shaft is a part of a machine that takes power power from the work can be done.

How to use the word shaft
How to use the word shaft

Example sentences of “shaft”:

– Because of the odd number of cylinders in each bank, a balance shaft is needed.

– Bumpy asks Shaft to make sure that Marcy is returned safely.

– A modern-day lift consists of a cab mounted on a platform within an enclosed space called a shaft or sometimes a “hoistway”.

– The vertical shaft was extended to a further vertical shaft that reached the top 3 floors to drive the winding machines.

– It drove a vertical shaft which was 0.45m square.

– Because of this, flywheels help to keep the shaft rotating at the same speed.

– The only source of information of him thus far is when he is seen as being manipulated and tricked by Loki, and therefore accidentally killing his brother Baldr by throwing a shaft of mistletoe and piercing him in the heart.

– It took until the October for permission to be granted to pump the shaft and, in the November, a local young man volunteered to be lowered down it.

– The Ionic columns normally stand on a base which separates the shaft of the column from the stylobate or platform.

– An average mastaba had four walls, a flat top and an underground burial chamber, reached by a vertical shaft or stairwell.

– A light drive shaft will more efficiently move the power to the load, so there needs to be a balance between strength and weight.

– The oldest of these were horizontal mills in which the force of the water, striking a simple paddle wheel set horizontally in line with the flow turned a runner stone balanced on the rynd which is atop a shaft leading directly up from the wheel.

– When Androzzi leaves, Shaft sees one of the men waiting for him in his office building.

– In 1921, a larger shaft was sunk to recover ore and a small treatment plant was erected in 1924 to facilitate work there.

– The shaft and the tip are together called a “bit”.

– Motor powered capstan spins motor shaft from inside post/not outside levers so is a 3rd Class Lever delivering force wider radius than motor shaft force input.thumbA model showing what a capstan looks like.

– The shaft and the tip can be removed from the handle, and a different one can be attached instead.

– They often had a vamplate, a small circular plate to prevent the hand sliding up the shaft upon impact.

– It has an axial shaft with a tip of a certain shape that fits into the head of a screw.

– A “ballpoint pen” is generally cylindercylindrical plastic shaft that holds ink and is smaller than a fountain pen.

- Because of the odd number of cylinders in each bank, a balance shaft is needed.

- Bumpy asks Shaft to make sure that Marcy is returned safely.
- A modern-day lift consists of a cab mounted on a platform within an enclosed space called a shaft or sometimes a "hoistway".

More in-sentence examples of “shaft”:

– The Artifact artefacts found there included flint chopping tools, flint flakes and the tip of a worked wooden shaft along with the remains of a giant elephant and hippopotamus.

– For all practical purposes, there are no cases of elevators simply free-falling and killing the passengers inside; of the 20 to 30 elevator-related deaths each year, most of them are maintenance-related – for example, technicians leaning too far into the shaft or getting caught between moving parts, and most of the rest are attributed to easily avoidable accidents, such as people stepping blindly through doors that open into empty shafts or being strangled by scarves caught in the doors.

– A one-ton piece of the ship’s propeller shaft landed 2½ miles away.

– The shaft of the mallet is usually made out of wood, like hickory, cherry, or bamboo, but can also be made out of metal, like aluminum.

– A shaft of sunlight shines through the roof box over the entrance and penetrates the passage to light up the chamber.

– Because of this, wheels can’t be attached to the axle or shaft that they turn on.

– Counterweights on the crankshaft and a counter rotating balancer shaft compensate for some of the rocking motion.

– Located on the lift shaft in the underground station, the artwork depicts a eucalyptus tree located at the nearby Kent Ridge Park that has been digitally edited to create an effect similar to David Hockney’s photo montages.

– Pelton wheels may be either vertical or horizontal shaft machines because the size of the machine is so much less than the available head.

– Nearly the entire genital region can be tattooed, including the shaft and head of the penis, the skin of the scrotum, the pubic region and the outer labia.

– For instance, if he needs to sneak up on men in the Army, the player might use a ventilation shaft and gain extra points, which can then be used like money to buy better aim with a pistol.

– A similar type of vertical shaft windmill with rectangle blades can also be found in 13th century China.

– He portrayed John Shaft in the 1971 movie “Shaft” and its related sequels.

– The success of this led to the construction of an underground shaft to commence open-cut mining of the site in 1919.

– A layshaft is the middle shaft within a gearbox.

– This is a shaft that comes out the back of the tractor.

– In 1890, the Western Salt Company built its first shaft to mine salt in Lyons.

– Depending on the hair type, repeated use of hair straighteners, like most other heat styling tools, can cause varying amounts of damage such as split ends, thinning of the hair shaft and even causing hair to become brittle and prone to breakage.

– In addition, a hydraulic buffer is installed at the bottom of the shaft to cushion any impact somewhat.

– Gears and cogs makes the drive shaft inside the windmill turn.

– The halberd is a two handed pole weapon that has a axe blade topped with a spike mounted on a long shaft and a hook or thorn on the back side of the axe blade.

– The hollow shaft of the feather acts as an ink reservoir and ink flows to the tip by capillary action.

– The shaft itself is between 6 and 9 feet.

– After the shooting, Shaft is told by Vic that “he” was the target, and not Ben.

– Farm tractors use a type of drive shaft called a Power Take-off shaft, or PTO shaft.

– In a windmill used for pumping water, turning the drive shaft moves a piston.

– Other elements requiring inspection and repair during overhauls include bearings, packing box and shaft sleeves, servomotors, cooling systems for the bearings and generator coils, seal rings, wicket gate linkage elements and all surfaces.

– In a windmill used for generating power, the drive shaft is connected to many gears.

– The shaft of the mallet is usually made of bamboo and the head is usually made of wood.

– After a quick fight, Shaft avoids one of the gangsters, who goes out the window.

– Simple turbines have a shaft with a blade on it.

– An engine with a lot of torque will be able to spin its shaft even if it is very hard to do so.

– The Slip in Tube Drive shaft is the new type which helps absorb energy in a crash, protecting the people in the car or truck.

– One hundred and sixty men and boys lowered down the shaft to begin their shift when the explosion took place.

– The electricity is used to make powerful magnets inside the motor switch on and off at the right time to turn the shaft of the motor.

– The diesel engine may drive the locomotive’s wheels directly via a gearbox, shaft or chain.

– In males, sebaceous glands begin to appear predominantly on the penis, on the shaft and around the rim of the penile head during and after puberty.

– The drive shaft can also be used in a bicycle instead of chain-drive.

– With a light spectrum, coming out of the prism, one sees a shaft of light surrounded by dark.

– They kill all five members and are about to kill Barnes when McClane comes through a vent shaft and kills them all.

– This helps when the torque applied to the shaft changes often.

– It gave women a major advantage because its long shaft could keep the enemy at a safe distance.

– The shaft has a sharp end-cap, or ishizuki, which is made for piercing between the plates of armor.

– The other gangster surrenders and tells Shaft that a man named Bumpy Jonas wanted a meeting between him and Shaft.

– A man simply wraps his hand around the shaft of his penis and moves his hand up and down.

- The Artifact artefacts found there included flint chopping tools, flint flakes and the tip of a worked wooden shaft along with the remains of a giant elephant and hippopotamus.

- For all practical purposes, there are no cases of elevators simply free-falling and killing the passengers inside; of the 20 to 30 elevator-related deaths each year, most of them are maintenance-related - for example, technicians leaning too far into the shaft or getting caught between moving parts, and most of the rest are attributed to easily avoidable accidents, such as people stepping blindly through doors that open into empty shafts or being strangled by scarves caught in the doors.

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