How to use the word “scholarly”

How to use in-sentence of “scholarly”:

– Grendel is usually taken to be some kind of monster, though this is the subject of scholarly debate.

– Radzilowski taught widely in Europe and North America and published more than 100 monographs, edited collections, journal articles, book chapters and scholarly papers.

– He wrote 30 books and over 300 scholarly articles.

– The city is on the old Silk Road between China and the West, and is an Islamic centre for scholarly study.

– The University of Nebraska Press, also known as UNP, is an academic publisher of scholarly and general-interest books.

– This was followed by editions with pictures, collectors’ sets, and scholarly editions.

How to use the word scholarly
How to use the word scholarly

Example sentences of “scholarly”:

– Baron Mihailo Mikasinovich, who was instrumental in opening Serbian schools in Krajina in the 18th century, Stefan Mikasinovich, a teacher of Dositej Obradovic, a prime mover of the Serbian cultural rebirth in the period of Enlightenment, and his father Sava Mikasinovich inspired, to a large extent, the author’s scholarly activities.

– It focuses on all fields of scholarly inquiry.

– He stated that the ultimate form of scholarly knowledge was history.

– He has been known for his work on complexity and “complex thought” and for his scholarly contributions to such diverse fields as media studies, politics, sociology, visual anthropology, ecology, education, and systems biology.

– She also appeared to great acclaim on BBC television in “Elizabeth R”, a six parts series on the life of Queen Elizabeth I of England, which is thought by many as the most scholarly version.

– Many scholarly critiques of Japanese culture would lead one to believe that this is not the norm.

– It is said that” Rose Cleveland was a bluestocking, more interested in pursuing scholarly endeavors than in entertaining cabinet wives and foreign dignitaries.” American President A Reference Resource.

– Although he was an important humanist figure who inspired who had some influence on the younger generations of English Humanists, the scope of Erasmian humanism is quite limited and much of the change that took place in England at this time stemmed from the influence of new religious thinking rather than simply scholarly Renaissance humanism.

– The first volumes were much criticized because they were considered unsuitable for children, both for the scholarly information included and the subject matter.

- Baron Mihailo Mikasinovich, who was instrumental in opening Serbian schools in Krajina in the 18th century, Stefan Mikasinovich, a teacher of Dositej Obradovic, a prime mover of the Serbian cultural rebirth in the period of Enlightenment, and his father Sava Mikasinovich inspired, to a large extent, the author's scholarly activities.

- It focuses on all fields of scholarly inquiry.
- He stated that the ultimate form of scholarly knowledge was history.

– Sometimes the etymology of Latin names for deities, has often been popularly implied, but it was criticised as “mostly a scholarly fiction” by McGeough.

– With the controversy over the volume of VGA nominations, I’m wondering if our editors should spend their time reviewing articles that have so little importance to the scholarly community.

– He had a papyrus scroll spread on his lap to show his scholarly nature and scribal assistance.

– Brazelton has written more than two hundred scholarly papers and twenty four books.

– The effect on Rumi was immediate: abandoning his familial and scholarly responsibilities he gave all his time to learning as much as possible from Shams.

– Not considering the current state of the article, I am sure there is scholarly literature about the subject.

– The completed work was published in 1990 in a two-volume set containing the full facsimile and scholarly commentary.

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