How to use the word “rotating”

How to use in-sentence of “rotating”:

– That was the first airplane with some technical innovations like a system for increased buoyancy, a split rudder, and rotating magazine for nuclear weaponnuclear or conventional weapons.

– The Coriolis effect is a force that is found in a rotating object.

– Only one award is given each year, according to a rotating scheme – astronomy and mathematics; then geosciences; then biosciences.

– It started as a large rotating cloud of dust and gas.

– For instance, the rotating pseudo-3D towers in Butter Building were removed.

– The most common mistakes are forgetting to pass the first number when dialing the second number, and rotating the dial backwards.

– Twisted shapes are made by rotating the plant so that it bends towards the light.

– When moving in water, rotating mechanisms are more efficient only when the “Reynolds number” of the flow is very low.

How to use the word rotating
How to use the word rotating

Example sentences of “rotating”:

- However, that would be refuted in the wikilinked sub-section: ""Aristotle view of Earth as pie plate rotating on edge"".

- The rotating happens at the center of the object and its effective dimensions will retain the original values of the object as if unrotated, so you may adjust the position and padding to avoid unwanted overlapping.
- A kind of organism called archaea, which are different from bacteria, also use flagella powered by rotating motor proteins.

– However, that would be refuted in the wikilinked sub-section: “”Aristotle view of Earth as pie plate rotating on edge””.

– The rotating happens at the center of the object and its effective dimensions will retain the original values of the object as if unrotated, so you may adjust the position and padding to avoid unwanted overlapping.

– A kind of organism called archaea, which are different from bacteria, also use flagella powered by rotating motor proteins.

– A kickflip is done by doing an ollie and rotating the board.

– The main disadvantages of circular slide rules are the difficulty in locating figures along a rotating disc, and limited number of scales.

– They go outside in hanbok, traditional Korean clothing, hold hands, make a circle, and start rotating clockwise.

– The presence of an exo-planet rotating around that closer star bends the light of the star farther away periodically.

– A weather vane is a device with a freely rotating pointer used to indicate the direction of the wind.

– In principle, any alternating currentAC electrical generator can be called an alternator, but usually the term refers to small rotating machines driven by automotive and other internal combustion engines.

– They both have a rotating joint at the top, and a hinge joint in the middle.

– His tactical innovation was the wooden stockades and rotating volleys of fire which led to a decisive victory at Nagashino.

– The player moves the capsules as they fall by moving them left or right and rotating them.

– The blades of a propeller act as rotating wings, and produce force through application of both Bernoulli’s principle and Newton’s laws of motionNewton’s third law, generating a difference in pressure between the forward and rear surfaces of the airfoil-shaped blades.

More in-sentence examples of “rotating”:

– They usually appear with a rotating column of air.

– HMS Albion is the rotating flagship of the Royal Navy with HMS Bulwark.

– According to this model, Space space and eternal, the Earth is stationary, and all other matter is confined to rotating concentric spheres.

– Merry-go-round which means a ride rotating happily and Menagerie which means beasts.

– The first rotating bolt rifle with two lugs on the bolt head was the Lebel Model 1886 rifle.

– The Spencer repeating rifle was a lever-action, seven shot repeating rifle with a rotating block.

– On April 22, 2009, World Meteorological Organization retired the names “Gustav”, “Ike”, and “Paloma” from its rotating name lists.

– The vehicle would have a support for the gun with a rotating base or turret.

– Vendors often tease the customer by serving the ice cream cone on a stick, and then taking away the dondurma with the stick by rotating it around, before finally giving it to the customer.

– The GMAW welding process uses a thin wire on a rotating spool, as a continuous electrode.

– She also portrayed the role of Lorraine in the rotating cast of the acclaimed Australian TV series about Aboriginal life “Redfern Now”.

– In that model, all matter was in rotating spheres centered on the Earth; according to Aristotle, the rotation of the outermost sphere was responsible for the motion and change of everything within.

– The water is heated until it turns into steam, rotating a turbine using a large steam piston.

– McCartney, Harrison, and Lennon perform a rotating sequence of three, two-bar guitar solos.

– Over the years there have been many disk interface types, though all used the same rotating platter recording technology.

– Starting with Anika, the names are assigned in alphabetical order with the lists used in rotating order without regard to year.

– The lock is usually opened by rotating the dial clockwise to the first number, counterclockwise past the first number and to the second number, and clockwise to the third number.

– The wooden horses would be rotated by servants pulling at the rotating platform.

– Six lists of names are maintained by the World Meteorological Organization with them rotating on a yearly basis.

– A Torus is a shape from geometry that is obtained by rotating a circle in 3D space.

– In physics, centrifugal force is a fictitious force that appears when describing physics in a rotating reference frame; it acts on anything with mass considered in such a frame.

– It is a rotating body’s resistance to angular acceleration or deceleration, equal to the product of the mass and the square of its perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation.

– A supercell is a strong type of thunderstorm with a thick, rotating vertical draftupdraft.

– If there is little friction then it will keep rotating a long time.

– Six lists of names are used in alphabetical order, and maintained by the World Meteorological Organization with them rotating on a yearly basis.

– To an observer “X” riding on the edge of the rotating disk, the effects of high-speed motion are still in place.

- They usually appear with a rotating column of air.

- HMS Albion is the rotating flagship of the Royal Navy with HMS Bulwark.
- According to this model, Space space and eternal, the Earth is stationary, and all other matter is confined to rotating concentric spheres.

– Defiants were different to other fighter planes because their guns were in a rotating turret and could fire in any direction.

– The carousel emerged as a ride when a toy dealer in France showed wooden horses on a rotating platform moved by human power or horsepower in the beginning of 18th century.

– Astronomers think the oppositely rotating gas happened when M64 took in a galaxy that collided with it.

– Thrust can also be made by a rotating Mechanical fanfan pushing air out from the back of a jet engine.

– A wooden stick was placed in the loop, and by rotating the stick, the rope was tightened until the condemned person was strangled to death.

– Grandin recommends “well-designed upright or rotating restraining pens” to hold cattle in a comfortable position.

– However, there are at least two examples of rotating parts used by cells.

– This rotating power is called torque.

– According to the law of conservation of angular momentum, a rotating body spins more rapidly as it decreases in size.

– When using this template to create the rotating effect, editors should consider carefully about the accessibility.

– A geographical pole is either of two points on the surface of a rotating planet where the axis of rotation meets the surface of the planet.

– A shorthanded CSS code for rotating elements inside style attribute.

– Historically, seismograms were recorded on paper attached to rotating drums.

– Vega: A rapidly rotating pole-on star.

– The rotating blades or gated runners of water turbines can interrupt the natural ecology of rivers, killing fish, stopping migrations, and disrupting peoples’ livelihoods.

– The shell holds the solvent while the rotating drum holds the clothing.

– It includes a circle-shaped rotating platform.

– A dryer has a rotating cylinder called a “drum’ that holds clothes and lets hot air in to evaporate the water.

– Waterspouts that are not associated with a rotating updraft of a supercell thunderstorm, are known as “nontornadic” or “fair-weather waterspouts”, and are by far the most common type.Gale Schools.

– Centrifugal compressors use a vaned rotating disk or impeller in a shaped housing to force the gas to the rim of the impeller, increasing the velocity of the gas.

– These were created on a rotating canvas.

– In the picture on the left, the polarizer is rotated to transmit the reflections as well as possible; by rotating the polarizer by 90° almost all specular reflectionspecularly reflected sunlight is blocked.

– The rotating shaft of the motor was also the axle for the wheels.

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