How to use the word “reversal”

How to use in-sentence of “reversal”:

– The magnetic reversal happens after the strength of the field reaches zero.

– Lee also introduced incentives such as tax rebates, schooling, and housing priorities for graduate mothers who had three or four children, in a reversal of the over-successful ‘Stop-at-Two’ family planning campaign in the 1960s and 1970s.

– The reversal of the syllable-words moves them to another position in the dictionary.

– A geomagnetic reversal is when the north magnetic pole and south magnetic pole trade places.

– The other kind of film is called reversal film, where development results in exactly one “positive” image.

– The reversal might happen in the next few thousand years.

– After the proclamation of the Republic on December 11, 1958, it operates in 1959 a surprising reversal of position vis-à-vis the proposed Federation of Mali defended by Léopold Sédar Senghor.

How to use the word reversal
How to use the word reversal

Example sentences of “reversal”:

– Because of this backside attack, S2 reactions result in a reversal of the configuration of the electrophile.

– From nuclear transfer to nuclear reprogramming: the reversal of cell differentiation.

– The Feistel structure has the advantage that encryption and decryption operations are very similar, even identical in some cases, requiring only a reversal of the key schedule.

– Intravenous naloxone for opioid overdose reversal in 1971 and was shortly adopted as a standard emergency treatment at many of the nation’s premier academic medical centers.

– A spin reversal itself can influence the spin of the electrons in neighbouring atoms.

– During the 1950s, in the mid-atlantic ridge discoveries of sea-floor spreading and magnetic reversal proved that Wegener’s theory was real and led to the theory of plate tectonics, though his proposed causes were mistaken.

- Because of this backside attack, S2 reactions result in a reversal of the configuration of the electrophile.

- From nuclear transfer to nuclear reprogramming: the reversal of cell differentiation.

– Reconstruction filters are given by time reversal analysis filters.

– This creates a hilarious ruckus due to the unconventional role reversal of Mohor and Rishi.

– Scientists believed that the last geomagnetic reversal occurred 780,000 years ago.

– Shortly thereafter, President Lenín Moreno refused to discuss a potential reversal of the fuel plans and called protesting crowds as “criminals”.

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