How to use the word “report”

How to use in-sentence of “report”:

+ Most mosques in the United States, for example, report receiving non-Muslim visitors every month.

+ The Fourth Assessment Report was completed in early 2007., UCAR.

+ At the same time that the four rabbits are at Efrafa, Hazel leads a small group to look into Kehaar’s report that there is a farm with a few caged rabbits, including does.

+ I’m pleased to report that these processes are no being regularly updated by our community members.

+ According to a report published together by Oxfam, Amnesty International, and the IANSAInternational Action Network on Small Arms in 2006, there are around 40 million illegal small arms in India.

+ At first, “The New York Times” refused to report on the Appel–Haken proof.

+ The report states that radical reform to the pension plans of six million public sector workers still leave them with “hugely generous” settlements.

How to use the word report
How to use the word report

Example sentences of “report”:

+ Hoehling and Woolridge report that up to eight Japanese aircraft may have lined up to land on the U.S.

+ Together, the four BRICs may account for 41% of the world's market capitalization by 2030, the report said.
+ It referred to as the Chilcot report by the news media, the document stated that Saddam Hussein was not an urgent threat and that the Iraq War was not necessary.

+ Hoehling and Woolridge report that up to eight Japanese aircraft may have lined up to land on the U.S.

+ Together, the four BRICs may account for 41% of the world’s market capitalization by 2030, the report said.

+ It referred to as the Chilcot report by the news media, the document stated that Saddam Hussein was not an urgent threat and that the Iraq War was not necessary.

+ The report was known as the “Secret Speech” because it was delivered at a closed session of Communist Party delegates, with guests and members of the press excluded.

+ This template will create a citation, with link, to the appropriate report or minutes of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials’ Special Committee on U.S.

+ Canadian Wildlife Service Report Series no.

+ Their report stated that the Vogt group’s new findings were false positives.

+ The report lists a few false positives, such as titles of works.

+ The Church is known to have been involved with weapon and munitions manufacturing in Korea since the 1960s, as documented in a 1978 United States Congressional Report on the Unification Church.

+ The report called the bulletin “a significant moment for the NWS during Katrina” as its detailed and specific language did not have any previous precedent.

+ The first IPCC report was published in 1990.

+ If this edit is constructive, please click ‘Save page’ again, and report this error.

+ These aspects are all insightful of the ‘Conwy County Borough Council annual report 2016/17’ which explains how they had created a new strategy to increase the number of Welsh speakers.

More in-sentence examples of “report”:

+ Its 889-page final report was presented to President Johnson on September 24, 1964.

+ Many victims are told that their families will be harmed if they report the slave owners.

+ The Congressional Record is similar to Hansards, which report on the Parliament of the United Kingdomparliamentary debates in the UK’s government.

+ The report says that “Einsatzgruppen A” killed 137,346 people.

+ The number of the Orthodox that the Croats have massacred and sadistically tortured to death is about three hundred thousand.” Report to Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler from the Geheime Staatspolizei – GESTAPO – dated 17 February 1942.

+ Sevaraid was the first to report the Fall of Paris, when the city was captured by the Germans during World War II.

+ He got on to his horse and rode the to Forbes in the dark in less than three hours to report the robbery.

+ The plan failed when the police at Sherritt’s house did not report the murder until midday.

+ This date was agreed upon at the Thessaloniki Summit in 2003, confirmed at Brussels on 18 June 2004, and affirmed by the country reports of October 2004 and the final report delivered on 26 September 2006.

+ National Census Report 2000-2001 For further education, most students go to colleges in Haripur town or nearby Abbottabad and some even as far as Peshawar, Islamabad and Rawalpindi.

+ In August 2017 he launched “The Michael Brooks Show” alongside his regular hosting of “The Majority Report with Sam SederThe Majority Report” with Sam Seder.

+ The report looked into the crimes committed by the Ustaše and their allies.

+ In 2012, the US News and World Report ranked Lexington as #4 on its list of the best cities for barbecue.

+ To report an error you have noticed on the current main page, please add it to the talk page instead.

+ The topographic data supplied by the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans, however, shows a sea depth of It is therefore likely that this 1926 report is an error, and that Filippo Reef is a phantom island.

+ A PhD in engineering requires three or four years of study after a master’s degree, and includes the completion of a long research report called a dissertation.

+ If you did not remove a large part of an article, and this message is in error, please report this.

+ Sometimes they use it to report what someone said, especially when mimicking the way they said it.

+ Performance data is reported by MediaWiki software in the HTML page source of every page, and a very similar report is available on any preview page, below the edit box, titles “Parser profile data”.

+ State Department report on religious freedom in Bhutan notes that “Mahayana Buddhism is the state religion…” and that the Bhutanese government supports both the Kagyu and Nyingma sects.

+ The Report was regarded in the early 19th century as among the more important expressions of Republican principles.

+ The report adds that some studies claim approximately 20 to 25 percent of Moscow’s sex workers are minors.

+ Then, can the bot add a warning on the user’s talk page, and after final warning, it can block the user from editing or report it to the WP:VIP/B page.

+ In 2003, Catherine Hickson, a scientist with the Geological Survey of Canada, was one of the three scientists to report on the hypothetical eruption at Mount Cayley.

+ The speech was hand-written by Clinton himself and was delivered on the day of publication of the first report by Independent Counsel Ken Starr, which threatened to impeach President Clinton in the grounds of perjury and his sexual affair with former White House intern, Monica Lewinsky.

+ Its 889-page final report was presented to President Johnson on September 24, 1964.

+ Many victims are told that their families will be harmed if they report the slave owners.
+ The Congressional Record is similar to Hansards, which report on the Parliament of the United Kingdomparliamentary debates in the UK's government.

+ Apart from a newspaper report in 1910 acknowledging him as the inventor, he received no credit.

+ Technical Report No.

+ It will continue to report about its environment.

+ The next day, Carolina announced that they had suspended Babchuk because of his refusal to report to Albany.

+ Since the independent report came out in 1999, the UN and the United States have released documents that used to be classified.

+ In 2003, Klein and Markos Moulitsas were two of the earliest bloggers to report from a political convention, that of the California State Democratic Party.

+ He told the commanding sergeant to report to his boss, and told 6 more soldiers to come with him.

+ The legal charges against him were that he did not follow a law that says banks should report cash transactions over $10,000, and that he made false statements to the FBI about his withdrawals, in a hush money scheme designed to cover up serial child molestation He was found guilty on April 27, 2016 and was sentenced to two years in prison.

+ North Koreans are encouraged to report family members to the police if they think they are doing something illegal.

+ Whether Madison’s theory of republicanism really supported the nullification movement, and more broadly whether the ideas he expressed between 1798 and 1800 are consistent with his work before and after this period, are the main questions surrounding the Report in the modern literature.

+ In its March 2005 report about Humphrey, the “Telegraph” sadly said “Where Humphrey is now – or even whether he is still with us – remains a mystery.

+ On May 24, “brigadier general” Sickles was ordered to report back to Hooker.

+ In the report were monthly counts of how many people with Mental disordermental and physical disabilities were “disinfected” in the Nazis’ six euthanasia centres.

+ The report puts the Italian-Slovenian relations in a wider context.

+ In 1993, the United Nations Security Council adopted a report from the Secretary-General of the United NationsSecretary-General and a Commission of Experts; this report stated that the Geneva Conventions had passed into the body of customary international law.

+ Dyer ordered the troops to fire directly at the crowd of people; they kept shooting until they ran out of bullets.See: Report of Commissioners,Vol I, II, Bombay, 1920, Reprint New Delhi, 1976, p 56.

+ On Tuesday, August 21, 2018, Manafort was convicted of five counts of tax fraud, two counts of bank fraud and one count of failure to report foreign bank accounts.

+ As the sun rises and police arrive, a badly injured Dewey is taken away by ambulance and Gale makes an impromptu news report about the night’s events.

+ She packs her father’s armour and weapon and leaves to report the army.

+ The article also had long quotes from an unpublished report by Mr Mathian, an engineer working for the CNR.

+ News World Report ranked Hamilton the 17th best liberal arts college in the United States..

+ A report to the Department of the Environment and Water Resources”.

+ The Report was received warmly by Virginia Republicans.

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