How to use the word “opponent”

How to use in-sentence of “opponent”:

– To win the match, a wrestler must make their opponent bleed.

– However, his opponent signed to fight at a catchweight, and Oliveira was not fined.

– Throwing an opponent out of the “skamma” was not a fall, but counted as a victory nonetheless.

– It then hits the opponent in the torso with the sole of the wrestler’s foot.

– Also, the fighter has to watch the eyes of his opponent and thinki about what he can do to catch him off guard.

– After the wrestler does this, the opponent will be blinded and will experience intense stinging in their eyes.

– Martial arts are divided in two main sets: the so-called “hard martial arts” like karate and kickboxing which give special consideration to the attack to beat the opponent, and the “soft martial arts” like judo and aikido which fight the opponent in a less aggressive manner, using the force of the other to surrender him.

– A bra and panties match is a match where a female wrestler or team of wrestlers must strip their opponent to their bra and panties to win.

How to use the word opponent
How to use the word opponent

Example sentences of “opponent”:

– His opponent was Massachusetts United States SenateSenator Democrat.

– Trapping headbutts are where a wrestler holds both of the opponent‘s arms under their own and hits the opponent with a series of headbutts.

– Every attack must be made as if there were an opponent in front of the karateka in order to reach him, and every defence must be made as if the opponent attacked in a real situation of danger.

– The most common version is where a wrestler is on the apron, goes to the top rope, and hits it on the opponent either in the ring or onto the floor.

– During his time in office, he oversaw the entry into the UN of dozens of new Asian and African states and was a firm opponent of apartheid in South Africa.

– The opponent is not able to counter it.

– Anderssen gave up both rooks and a bishop, then his queen, checkmating his opponent with the remaining bishop and two knights.

– A Tables match is a match where a wrestler must put their opponent through a table with an offensive move in order to win.

– The most common type of savate kick is the “chassé”, a piston-action kick, where the wrestler kicks the opponent so that the sole of their foot hits either their head or chin.

– In competitions the players will go full on for each other and once someone has thrown his/hers opponent down they need to hold them down for 20 seconds or the point won’t count.

- His opponent was Massachusetts United States SenateSenator Democrat.

- Trapping headbutts are where a wrestler holds both of the opponent's arms under their own and hits the opponent with a series of headbutts.
- Every attack must be made as if there were an opponent in front of the karateka in order to reach him, and every defence must be made as if the opponent attacked in a real situation of danger.

– If the contestant does so, the question’s value is doubled, and the opponent has to either answer the question or “double back”, which quadruples the point value and forces the person who the question was given to to answer.

– A shining wizard is where a wrestler delivers a knee strike to an opponent that is down on one knee.

– His opponent was George Mahoney, who ran on a racist and pro segregationist platform.

– This maneuver involves one opponent forcefully pushing the other until they are facing away from them.

– Her opponent was Joe Biden, who won.

– There exist, in competition, two forms of fight: “controlled bando kickboxing” where the blows only touch the opponent in order to not hurt him, and the “Bando kickboxing of full contact” where the blows with full power are acceptable, destined to the adults who are more expert.

– A big boot, Yakuza kick or Mafia kick is a move where when the opponent is charging at the wrestler, the wrestler lifts their leg up and uses the opponent‘s momentum to hit the wrestler’s boot with their head or face.

More in-sentence examples of “opponent”:

- A bell clap is a move where a wrestler slaps both of the ears of an opponent at the same time with the palms of their hands, mess up their balance.

- He was also linked to the Tammany Hall machine that controlled Manhattan politics; he was a strong opponent of prohibition.
- The move forces the opponent to the ground.

– A bell clap is a move where a wrestler slaps both of the ears of an opponent at the same time with the palms of their hands, mess up their balance.

– He was also linked to the Tammany Hall machine that controlled Manhattan politics; he was a strong opponent of prohibition.

– The move forces the opponent to the ground.

– A Frankensteiner is a type of hurricanrana that is done when the opponent is sitting on the top turnbuckle.

– Bush began the campaign as the front runner among Republicans because many people knew his name, high funds, and control of the governorship of Texas and polls starting in 1997 showed Bush leading every opponent by double digits.

– Keeping an opponent in a hold from which he could not escape was also a fall, as was stretching a man full length on the ground.

– There is another version of the kick where the wrestler charges from a standing opponent and delivers the kick.

– It was mostly used to attack an opponent of the Federalist party.

– There is also another version called the double mule kick where a wrestler that is facing away from the opponent jumps and kicks backwards with both of their legs, hitting the opponent with both soles of their feet.

– While their opponent is falling, the wrestler lifts a knee up and striks the opponent in the face.

– A chair shot is where a wrestler hits their opponent with a chair.

– A flying lariat is a move where a wrestler uses the ropes to build up speed, leaps forward and wrap their arm around the opponent‘s neck which causes the power of the force to knock the opponent down.

– It was often the opponent of Athens and these two cities competed with each other.

– He had been an opponent of Muslim immigration to France and Europe, as well as what he believed to be the Americanization of European values and — most recently — the legalization of same-sex marriage in France.

– His main opponent is Cloud, and gets beaten by him both in Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children.

– But a formidable political opponent soon emerged in Aquino’s widow, Corazon Aquino, who became the presidential candidate of the opposition.

– An overhead chop, brain chop or tomahawk chop is a move where a wrestler draws their hand back and hits their opponent vertically with a backhand chop.

– A Condorcet method is one of many election methods that elects the candidate that is preferred by more voters than their opponent in every head-to-head election against each of the other candidates, whenever there is such a candidate.

– Jindal, traditionally an opponent of excess federal expenditures and activity in states, asked for federal money and manpower after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

– In the optional “Devil Within” minigame, Jin finds clues that lead him to believe that Jun is alive, but it turns out to be Ogre, the alien opponent that is responsible for Jun’s disappearance.

– Proper choosing of the right moment, position and methods of passing through the defenses of an opponent are also exercised.

– When the tantō was used on the battlefield it was supposed to go through the armor of the opponent when he was close.

– Each competitor’s goal is to insult their opponent through clever lyrics.

– Biting is when a wrestler grabs their opponent and bites them with their teeth.

– Also, supporters of independence were given ballots at the polls, but opponent had to bring their own.

– On the following diagram, Whichever king moves, he loses his pawn and the opponent will win the game.

– The magazine was named after Mary Harris Jones, also called Mother Jones, who was an Irish-American trade union activist, socialist advocate, and an opponent of child labor.

– Sometimes a player may have the option or a choice of which opponent piece he must jump.

– The objective is to get the ball through a hoop mounted high on a backboard on the opponent‘s side of the court, while preventing the opponent from shooting it into your team’s hoop.

– A point is scored when a player hits a shot which strikes the front wall of the court and then bounces twice before that player’s opponent hits it to the front wall.

– It can also refer to such a tag where the tagger’s opponent is unaware a tag has occurred, leaving him open to a blind-side attack.

– The jumping high kick or gamengiri is a move where the wrestler jumps up and kicks the opponent in either the face or the side of their head.

– To win the match, the wrestler has to throw their opponent in the casket and close the lid.

– When the opponent is sitting in the corner, the wrestler runs towards them flips forward 180° so that their back impacts on both the opponents chest and head which causes the opponent to be sandwiched between both the turnbuckle and the wrestler.

– In February 1939, at age 26, Crane sank 150 balls in a row against his opponent in an exhibition straight pool match.

– A move which attacks the opposing king, and which the opponent cannot get out of.

– The most well known version of this is the inverted facelock elbow drop where a wrestler puts their opponent into an inverted facelock, turns 180°, and drops their elbow across the opponent‘s chest, driving them down to the mat.

– A student of Casseux, Charles Lecour had been exposed to the English art of boxing in the year 1830 and he had felt himself misfit, because he used his hands in order to hit the feet of the opponent and to drive them away in this way, instead of punching as in boxing.

– As an opponent against Polish assimilation of the Jews he established for the 1873 elections of the Reichsrat a Jewish-ruthenian electoral alliance.

– Bolsonaro is a strong opponent of left-wing policies, most notably same-sex marriage, secularism, drug legalization, abortion and environmental preservation.

– A senton is similar to a big splash except the wrestler jumps over an opponent while falling backwards and landing back-first onto the opponent.

– You win the game by reducing your opponent‘s life to 0, when your opponent runs out of cards to draw, or when a card says that you win the game.

– He was the leading opponent of slavery and the slave trade in New York.

– The return of Nero may have inspired the author of the Book of Revelation when he wrote about the eschatological opponent called the Beast, which is mortally wounded and then miraculously heals.

– Every once in a while a player will throw his/her opponent on the floor.

– It usually sees the opponent try and attempt to charge at the larger wrestler many times only for their attempts to either have no effect or the opponent to get knocked down themselves.

– Usually the opponent submits; if not, he is “strangled out”, that is, the hold is continued until he passes out and is then immediately released.

– It aims to stop an opponent who is running with the ball.

– The move is usually done one of two ways: either from a standing position over the opponent or from the middle rope with the opponent in the corner.

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