How to use the word “occult”

How to use in-sentence of “occult”:

– The actor Boris Karloff plays a dying Egyptologist who possesses an occult gem, known as The Eternal Light, which he believes will grant immortality if he is buried with it, and thereby able to present it to Anubis in the afterlife.

– In the 1980s, fear of the occult was a big problem.

– Cao Dai uses ethical precepts from Confucianism, occult practices from Taoism, theories of Karma and Rebirth from Buddhism,and a hierarchical organization from Christianity.

– Some alchemists used metals to represent spiritual or occult ideas.

– Rowling are usually because people say the books have occult or Satanic parts.

– The veracity of this belief is difficult to establish, but while in truth it might just be an example of Paganismanti-pagan propaganda, frequent associations between May Day rituals, the occult and human sacrifice are still to be found in popular culture today.

– In the 1800s, magician Eliphas Levi interpreted Baphomet as an occult symbol representing perfection, or the union of opposites to create divine harmony.

How to use the word occult
How to use the word occult

Example sentences of “occult”:

- While Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam are generally not considered as occult, some of their modern interpretations can be, such as the interpretation of Hinduism within Theosophy or the various occult interpretations of the Jewish Kabbalah.

- They were also a founding member of Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth occult group, and fronted the experimental band Psychic TV.
- The lyrics deal with occult themes more like their 1980s efforts instead of the political topics covered on more recent releases.

– While Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam are generally not considered as occult, some of their modern interpretations can be, such as the interpretation of Hinduism within Theosophy or the various occult interpretations of the Jewish Kabbalah.

– They were also a founding member of Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth occult group, and fronted the experimental band Psychic TV.

– The lyrics deal with occult themes more like their 1980s efforts instead of the political topics covered on more recent releases.

– She travelled the world and wrote books about the occult including “Isis Unveiled” and “The Secret Doctrine”.

– Newton was accused of introducing occult agencies into natural science when he proposed that gravity was a force capable of acting over vast distances.

– Many people feared the occult and because of all these reports with DD, suicides and murders, people also started fearing DD.

– They were invented not for occult purposes but purely for gaming.

– Aryans and British India Yoda Press New Dehli 1997 page xxxii The idea of an Aryan race was first used as a category of people but was later used by occult movements such as Theosophy.

– He was an influential member in some occult organisations, such as the Hermetic Order of the Golden DawnGolden Dawn, the A∴A∴, and Ordo Templi Orientis,Crowley, Aleister.

– Weather Factory is making another game called “Book of Hours” about an occult librarian.

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