How to use the word “lay”

How to use in-sentence of “lay”:

– They lay around two dozen eggs at a time.

– The disguised flames lay enclosed and protected in a rectangular enclosure and they wait, like a dying plant desperate for a drop of water, for the moment when they will awaken from their sleep and sizzle to life.

– ButterflyButterflies inherit preferences for laying their eggs on certain plants.plant their young need to eat, and that’s where they lay their eggs.

– He also wrote that “even if someone were to prove to me that the truth lay outside Christ, I should choose to remain with Christ rather than with the truth”.

– It does not only lay its eggs in fast streams.

– Hadrosaurs probably lived near bodies of water, migrating to high ground to lay eggs.

– They lay eggs in on underwater sticks.

– Toads lay eggs in strings attached to rocks, unlike true frogs which lay eggs in a jelly-like mass.

How to use the word lay
How to use the word lay

Example sentences of “lay”:

- The double sided cross altar and the Lettnerwand, taller than a human, divided the monks`choir pews in the eastern part from the lay brothers’ seating in the western part.

- They lay eggs in small groups attached to plants just under the surface of the water.
- They lay their eggs in permanent or temporary bodies of water, so the tadpoles must grow into frogs quickly or they will die when their homes dry up.

– The double sided cross altar and the Lettnerwand, taller than a human, divided the monks`choir pews in the eastern part from the lay brothers’ seating in the western part.

– They lay eggs in small groups attached to plants just under the surface of the water.

– They lay their eggs in permanent or temporary bodies of water, so the tadpoles must grow into frogs quickly or they will die when their homes dry up.

– They spend much of their time on land where they also lay their eggs.

– After they mate, the female will use her ovipositor to cut a line into the branch of a tree and lay her eggs there.

– After making peace with the Hivites, they went to lay siege to Gibeon.

– Most frogs can lay eggs either on land or in water but not both.

– These fish usually lay eggs in spring and summer.

– The pleasures of the performance with its occasional songs based on ballads and tarantellas, lay in the village vitality, the lusty folk element.

– If the parakeet does lay eggs, it produces about six to eight.

– Although he tried at times to write larger musical works, his real genius lay in writing the smaller forms.

– They lay their eggs in bunches stuck to plants under water.

– They lay their eggs in other birds’ nests.

– The echidnas and Platypus are monotremes, the only mammals to lay eggs.

– Penguins lay their eggs and raise their babies on land.

– They may take off warm clothes or lay down to go to sleep.

More in-sentence examples of “lay”:

- The basic reproduction strategy of amphibia, is to lay a huge number of eggs, which are left to their own fate.

- In 1001, the tomb in which the saint lay was said regularly to rise from the ground.
- These nests are barely a nest at all – just a small depression in the ground or a pile of dead leaves to lay eggs on.

– The basic reproduction strategy of amphibia, is to lay a huge number of eggs, which are left to their own fate.

– In 1001, the tomb in which the saint lay was said regularly to rise from the ground.

– These nests are barely a nest at all – just a small depression in the ground or a pile of dead leaves to lay eggs on.

– In 2019, scientists learned that the frog does something unusual: It digs pools to lay eggs in.

– A female shore crab can lay up to nearly 200 thousand eggs at once.

– They spread out their legs and lay their bellies flat on the ice.

– Van Biema, David, etc in “25 Most Influential Evangelicals in America” “Time” Retrieved on 2008 – June 14 Coe was an ordained Presbyterian elder and serves as a lay minister.

– Ducks lay eggs once a year and are omnivorous, eating aquatic plants and tiny animals.

– Robert spent the night before sporting with harlots and jesters and while he lay in bed sleeping off his drunkenness his unworthy friends stole his clothes.

– There are two stipendiary magistrates, the High Bailiff and the Deputy High Bailiff, along with lay Justices of the Peace.

– Fulk also succeeded his father-in-law, Warnerius, as lay abbot.

– Monotremes, for example, lay eggs which protect the young until they are fully developed.

– Although the Ginza continued to evolve under the rule of the Sassanians and the Islamic empires, few textual traditions can lay claim to such extensive continuity.

– They usually lay two egg eggs by mid-October, which hatch in about 34 days, and put equal care into caring for either chick.

– They lay eggs underneath rocks.

– They are the land vertebrates which lay cleidoic eggs.

– The female can lay 30 or 40 eggs at a time, more than once each year.

– I forget the exact legal wording off the top of my head but basically anything that is done in a manor that many people could be expected to lay that data out if they all did it without knowledge of anyone else doing it is not copyrightable.

– Females lay 3-5 pale blue-green eggs in each clutch.

– If the pool is in the sun, the female frog will lay her eggs on a piece of plant under the surface of the water so that they don’t dry out.

– They are all brood parasites that lay an egg in a nest of another species.

– They would put their hands on the animal to lay their sins on it.

– Females lay up to 50,000 eggs.

– All night adders are oviparous, which means they lay eggs.

– Grenville was called the “gentile shepherd” because he bored the House by asking over and over again, during the debate on the Cider Bill of 1763, that somebody should tell him “where” to lay the new tax if it was not to be put on cider.

– It is best used for animals which lay cleidoic eggs, but are not synapsids.

– Frogs usually need to lay their eggs in ponds, but some rainforest tree frogs lay their eggs in the pools in air plants.

– Rèidh Eilean and Stac MhicMhurchaidh Islands lay to the west of Iona.

– As Lord Marchmain lay dying, he had received the sacrament of Extreme Unction.

– It is likely that it alludes more to the Taoist influences on Zen, and subsequently the Chado, or the Japanese tea ceremony, as he makes the statement, ‘A subtle philosophy lay behind it all.

– She lay back and later turned into Hathor, the goddess of love.

– For example, a cuckoo which lays its eggs in reed warbler nests will lay eggs that look like those of a reed warbler.Payne R.B.

– De La Salle was a pioneer in programs for training lay teachers.

– It can also be used for some species of amphibians that only go back to the water to lay their eggs.

– This ambition will lay out a future for higher education institutions in the area and Wales as a whole.

– By then the real interest lay in the same effects caused by gamma rays from nuclear testing.

– They lay eggs one at a time or a few at a time in small pools or streams where the water moves slowly.

– Explosives can be used to lay traps for the enemy or protect the player from being flanked.

– Later in November, Lay was announced to star in a Chinese remake of the hit Japanese drama television series “Operation Love”, which began airing on Dragon TV from April 24, 2017 with 32 episodes.

– He lay claim to the Congo, an area now known as the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

– Given the flood of issues created by a banned user avoiding that ban, could we get his slate wiped clear with a mass revert/deletion spree on everything he touched rather than let all this false info lay around until someone eventually gets the time to look into fixing them all? The new articles are microstubs anyway and even if fixed serve little use.

– Ivić, Beleske o biogračićkom govoru, Srpski dijalektoloski zbornik, 24/1978, 125, the northern border of Šumadija lay between Avala and Kosmaj mountain.

– When the 15-year-old King lay dying in June 1553, he nominated Jane as successor to the Crown in his will, thus subverting the claims of his half-sisters Mary and Elizabeth.

– Duck and Cover is a method where the person must lay face-forward towards a wall or under a table in the fetal position.

– Animals which lay eggs have an oviduct, and there are quite a few reptiles which are viviparous or ovoviviparous.

– For example, she may lay her eggs on a leaf on a branch hanging over the water.

– This frog does not lay its eggs directly in the water.

– Each female fly can lay about 9,000 eggs in its life, in several batches of about 75 to 150.

– Most geckos lay eggs, but some give birth to live young.

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