How to use the word “lao”

How to use in-sentence of “lao”:

+ The teachings of Zarathushtra and Lao Tzu had strong elements of humanism, and there are many other examples.

+ One key feature that Khmer has, while Thai and Lao do not, is that consonant letters have subscript forms.

+ The President of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic is the head of state of Laos.

+ Shortly after the end of the Vietnam War, the North Vietnamese Army joined forces with the Pathet Lao, started a coup on December 2, 1975 to overthrow the royalist Lao government, and established a communist government that continues to run the country to this day.

+ Han Fei Tzu, the paradigm legalist, wrote one of the earliest commentaries on the Lao Tzu cf.

+ It was the writing system that Thai and Lao are based on.

How to use the word lao
How to use the word lao

Example sentences of “lao”:

+ In fact, speakers of northern Thai dialects and Lao claim that they can largely understand each other, making the dialects mutually intelligible.

+ However, Thai and Lao added tone markers to better suit their own languages, since Thai and Lao are tonal, while Khmer is not.
+ He was a founding leader of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party.

+ In fact, speakers of northern Thai dialects and Lao claim that they can largely understand each other, making the dialects mutually intelligible.

+ However, Thai and Lao added tone markers to better suit their own languages, since Thai and Lao are tonal, while Khmer is not.

+ He was a founding leader of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party.

+ He is President of the Lao Front for National Construction from 2001 until 2011, when he was succeeded by Phandoungchit Vongsa.

+ But, again, it was blown off course and he ended up landing at Mount Lao in what is now Shandong in northern China, east of the city of Qingdao.

+ He was the General Secretary of the Lao People’s Revolutionary PartyGeneral Secretary.

+ She was the chairman and governor of the Bank of the Lao P.D.R.

+ He was in charge of ideological and cultural works of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party.

+ Fa Ngum created the first unified Lao Kingdom.

+ Indiana Jones meets a gangster named Lao Che.

+ He is a member of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party.

+ Very rarely, the Lao alphabet, which is also used to write the Laotian language is used.

+ Their roles were defined as follows: to protect the sovereignty of the free Vietnamese nation and that of the Republic; to maintain the political and social order and the rule of law by providing internal security; to defend the newly independent Republic of Vietnam from external Geneva Accords in July 1955 into two transitional states, one at the north ruled by Ho Chi Minh’s Marxist Lao Dong Party regime and the other in the south under Diem’s anti-communist regime.

+ The prime minister of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic is the head of government of Laos.

+ In fact, some dialects of Thai and Lao are mutually intelligible, meaning that speakers of one language can talk with and understand speakers of the other language without knowing the other’s language.

+ He was a longtime Pathet Lao revolutionary and communist party official.

+ She is a member of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party.

+ Thai is closely related to the Lao language.

+ Laos is a one-party state, with the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party as the sole legal party in the country.

+ The National Olympic Committee of Lao was formed in 1975 and recognized in 1979.

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