How to use the word “land animals”

How to use in-sentence of “land animals”:

– Among the sauropods were the largest land animals ever known: “Seismosaurus”, “Diplodocus”, “Apatosaurus and others.

– These early land animals evolved into the reptiles, birds and mammals of today.

– In contrast, the amphibia are land animals who must lay their eggs in water, because the eggs are not protected by a shell.

– The first is that the land animals and plants were washed into the lakes very gently, or were already in the lakes when they died.

– Giraffes are the tallest land animals on Earth, with necks that can be up to 2-2.4m in length.Owen-Smith R.N.

– The question of how land animals evolved into ocean-going leviathans was a mystery until recent discoveries in Pakistan revealed several stages in the transition of cetaceans from land to sea.

– They eat aquatic and land animals that are in the water.

How to use the word land animals
How to use the word land animals

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