How to use the word “Iron curtain”

How to use in-sentence of “Iron curtain”:

– Since the fall of the Iron Curtain many people have left the town.

– Economic insecurity, ethnic hatred and the international political context that eventually led to the Iron Curtain resulted in approximately 350,000 people, mostly Italians, choosing to leave the region.

– Since the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1990 Prague has become one of Europe’s most popular tourist places.

– It was considered a symbol of the Cold War and the Iron Curtain that divided Europe.

– Economic insecurity, fear of further retaliation and the change of regime that eventually led to the Iron Curtain splitting the Trieste-Istria region, resulted in approximately 350,000 people, mostly Italians, leaving territories in Istria and Dalmatia.

– The Iron Curtain is a term related to the Cold War.

– He played a major role in the demolishing of the Iron Curtain in the German Democratic Republic in 1989.

– If one were to divide the continent of Europe into two halves like it was during the Cold War, the Iron Curtain would subsequently split the mainstream definition of “Central Europe” in half.

How to use the word Iron curtain
How to use the word Iron curtain

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