How to use the word “incoming”

How to use in-sentence of “incoming”:

– Mando agrees to give him the armor as long as Boba and his sidekick, Fennec Shand help protect Grogu from the incoming Imperial forces.

– The deal was discontinued by incoming mayor Boris Johnson, a decision criticized by Livingstone.

– In this case, the person receiving the call has to agree to be charged for that call, while those owning toll-free numbers already agree to being charged for incoming calls.

– The term post box can also refer to a private letter box for incoming mail.

– Vedashree tells her husband that in a month, her son Ansh will enter the most difficult and dangerous time of his life and they need to protect him from the incoming evil that will try to turn him.

– The two-story air cargo building is constructed on an area of 39,500 m² of incoming and outgoing cargo.

– The nerves for incoming sensory information are bundled separately from nerves for outgoing motor instructions for muscles.

– Modern turbocharged aircraft usually do not need to cool the incoming air.

How to use the word incoming
How to use the word incoming

Example sentences of “incoming”:

– CGN has the major drawback that it does not allow incoming connections at all, because the address translator does not know which customer an incoming connection was intended for.

– So, the incoming group replaces the leaving group in one step.

– If this article is kept, it should get a hatnote which distinguishes it from a hypothetical article on the pornstar, as there is already an incoming link for the pornstar.

– In January 1981, Chennault visited Beijing to meet the Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping, as a private citizen, but in fact as an unofficial diplomat representing the incoming Republican president Ronald Reagan, who was due to be sworn in as president on 20 January 1981.

– On the other hand, people are not forced to reply immediately to incoming messages.

– Specular reflection is a mirror-like reflection of light from a surface, in which light from a single incoming direction is reflected into a single outgoing direction.

– Its incoming nerves relay sensation from the skin, and Sensory systemsense organs to the central nervous system.

– It is the amount of incoming solar radiation that is received over a unit area of the earth’s surface.

- CGN has the major drawback that it does not allow incoming connections at all, because the address translator does not know which customer an incoming connection was intended for.

- So, the incoming group replaces the leaving group in one step.

– The incoming mixture forces out the exhaust gas at the same time.

– In March 1869, after hearing reports of incoming Japanese forces plans to captured Hokkaido, Gengo leads a group of sailors.

– Sea ice is highly reflective of solar radiation, reflecting about 60% of incoming solar radiation when bare and about 80% when covered with snow.

– The page has only one incoming link so it is not needed by many other articles.

– The three incoming ASUN members will play in the WAC football league until the ASUN starts its own football league, most likely in 2022.

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