How to use the word “disguise”

How to use in-sentence of “disguise”:

– But Leonardo has painted soft shadows in the corners of Mona Lisa’s mouth and eyes, to disguise her expression.

– Monckton is in disguise as a black demon and fights anyone who comes near Cecelia..

– Later, they discovered that Makuta Teridax had taken the disguise of Dume and taken control of the Vahki.

– Katydids may disguise themselves brilliantly.

– There are scenes in this opera where the actors disguise themselves as the opposite sex.

How to use the word disguise
How to use the word disguise

Example sentences of “disguise”:

– Large, tentacle-covered aliens which can disguise themselves as humans.

– The contest of disguise is also held.

– Rashmi tried to free Prem by engaging a lawyer, but on the day of hearing, Kapil kidnaps Rashmi, takes Rashmi’s disguise and goes to the court instead.

– Because André had been in disguise and not wearing his uniform, he was legally a spy and not only an enemy soldier.

– Falstaff is told he must disguise himself as the black hunter.

– He wishes he were like Jupiter who was able to disguise himself in many ways.

– When the mysterious man tries to act his police disguise there, Bijua reveals he is Mr.Prakash, the true leader of the crime gang and he himself is Inspector Sekar of Vigilance Branch.

– This ending is made possible if you use the cellphone to call your lawyer, and presenting the disguise bag.

– Princess Zelda’s disguise is a ninja-like person, and one of the last members of the Sheikan race, a race of people in “The Legend of Zelda” series.

– Later, he was forced to disguise himself as a servant.

– They have large color patches round one pair of eyes to disguise the fact that they generally have eight simple eyes, while ants have two compound eyes; they cover their bodies with reflective hairs to resemble the shiny bodies of ants.

- Large, tentacle-covered aliens which can disguise themselves as humans.

- The contest of disguise is also held.
- Rashmi tried to free Prem by engaging a lawyer, but on the day of hearing, Kapil kidnaps Rashmi, takes Rashmi's disguise and goes to the court instead.

– Vivek, afraid he’s next, calls his elder brother Karan to save him, but Kapil stabs him in disguise of Karan, but police arrives at the right time and real Karan is arrested by police.

– Actors often wear wigs to disguise their appearance or get into character.

– Some Anons also disguise their voice with voice changers or text-to-speech programs.

– Sacher-Masoch took the alias of “Gregor” a stereotypical male servant’s name, and assumed a disguise as the servant of the Baroness.

– During that time, people were allowed to disguise themselves by wearing masks in the street.

– After the group ended, he recorded some solo career songs, joined the Eternal Astral pagoda group, but soon after was called to join the Disguise Group.

– To keep the meanings of his paintings hidden, Burton uses dotting and other techniques to disguise sacred figures and ancient symbols.

– It is possible to disguise a special case of division by zero in an algebraic argument.

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