How to use the word “diagonal”

How to use in-sentence of “diagonal”:

– The flowers present a “cross” shape that is broken by a diagonal line through the center.

– The Northern Pygmy Owl tends to perch in a diagonal position rather than an upright position.

– The diagonal relationship is because of similarities in ionic sizes and charge/radius ratio of the element.

– A pawn can capture an enemy piece which is on the diagonal square to the left or right of the square in front of it.

– The diffuser is often used to turn diagonal flow to the axial direction.

– A saltire is a diagonal cross used on flags and in heraldry.

How to use the word diagonal
How to use the word diagonal

Example sentences of “diagonal”:

– Thus, it is possible to set one border to an opaque color, with the others fully transparent, to form a diagonal line.

– The game uses diagonal lines—balklines—drawn at the table’s corners to indicate that if balls were inside those lines, points could not be scored, thus “cutting off four triangular spaces in the four corners, away 28inches of the ‘nursing’ surface of the end rails and 56 inches on the long rails.” New York Times Company.

– The upper teeth are widely triangular and slanted, becoming more diagonal toward the angle of the jaws which are strongly cut and heavily jagged on the sides.

– A diagonal line does not go straight up, down, or across.

– The mass of the Chemical elementelements in the periodic table, those to the left of a diagonal line drawn from boron to polonium, are metals.

– The diagonal entries  of  are known as the singular values of.

– Formally, the singular-value decomposition of an  real or complex matrix  is a factorization of the form, where  is an  real or complex unitary matrix,  is an  rectangular diagonal matrix with non-negative real numbers on the diagonal, and  is an  real or complex unitary matrix.

- Thus, it is possible to set one border to an opaque color, with the others fully transparent, to form a diagonal line.

- The game uses diagonal lines—balklines—drawn at the table's corners to indicate that if balls were inside those lines, points could not be scored, thus "cutting off four triangular spaces in the four corners, away 28inches of the 'nursing' surface of the end rails and 56 inches on the long rails." New York Times Company.

– An analogous situation is presented in Cantor’s diagonal proof.Higgins, Peter.

– In the 1920s she created a stir by re-introducing the bias cut, an old technique for cutting cloth diagonal to the grain of the fabric.

– Geometrically, the square root of 2 is the length of a diagonal across a Unit squaresquare with sides with a length of one; this can be found with the Pythagorean theorem.

– A unit hypercube’s longest diagonal in “n” dimension is equal to.

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