How to use the word “designed”

How to use in-sentence of “designed”:

– This award was introduced on March 23, 2005 by Clockworksoul, and was designed by grm_wnr.

– Its octagonal space was designed to hold over a million books and up to 500 readers.

– It is designed to be an AWACS aircraft.

– It was designed in 1991 by Marko Pogačnik and adopted on 24 June 1991.

– It was originally designed to protect the head from blows.

– In 2008 Bon Iver designed a T-shirt for the Yellow Bird Project.

– The mall had specially designed seating, flower and garden boxes, more trees, paving, and an extension to the central city tram route.

How to use the word designed
How to use the word designed

Example sentences of “designed”:

– Traps designed to cause injury or pain are sometimes used by criminals wanting to protect drugs or other illicit property.

– The clock was designed by Claude-Siméon Passemant, the King’s engineer.

– The company is based in Juhu, Mumbai and the interior is designed by Kumar’s wife Twinkle Khanna.

– The new farmers in Illinois struggled to turn heavy, sticky prairie soil with cast iron plows designed for the light, sandy soil of Vermont.

– However, Mendel’s work was different because he did experiments on plants, and designed those experiments very carefully.

– The game is designed for verisimilitude and to provide an accurate portrayal of Soldier experiences across a number of occupations.

– The Touch Gallery of the museum is specially designed for people who cannot see.

– It is designed to encourage cooperation, coordination, and interaction among the Arctic states.

– Glass doors, allowing each end zone to be opened, were designed and built.

– The first building to be considered a skyscraper, the Home Insurance Building, was built in Chicago, Illinois in the United States, and was designed by William LeBaron Jenney.

– In the Soviet communist system there were two types of airplane companies, companies that designed aircraft known as design offices or OKB, and companies that made airplanes called zavods.

– The vehicle is designed and built in France by Panhard.

– Modern anchors are designed to be better than the plow and claw types.

– The best known of those buildings was designed by Antoni Gaudi.

– The conservatories, designed by WilkinsonEyre and Grant Associates, are intended to be an energy-efficient showcase of sustainable building technologies and to provide an all-weather edutainment space within the Gardens.

– The Citroën H is a van designed and built by FranceFrench company Citroën from 1948 to 1981.

- Traps designed to cause injury or pain are sometimes used by criminals wanting to protect drugs or other illicit property.

- The clock was designed by Claude-Siméon Passemant, the King's engineer.

More in-sentence examples of “designed”:

- Antonov An-74 is a Soviet UnionSoviet/Ukrainian transport aircraft, designed by Antonov.

- Usually a system like this is designed to allow someone to mix the tracks in different ways than they were originally recorded.

– Antonov An-74 is a Soviet UnionSoviet/Ukrainian transport aircraft, designed by Antonov.

– Usually a system like this is designed to allow someone to mix the tracks in different ways than they were originally recorded.

– This award was introduced on March 222005 by ClockworkSoul, and was designed by Riffsyphon1024 and brian0918.

– In 1970 he designed the Dutch pavilion for Expo ’70.

– As a result, to avoid having to fix all those pages that used the workaround, the template has been designed to function properly regardless of whether tright or right is used.

– The first handheld game console was the Microvision designed by Smith Engineering.

– The actual guillotine was designed by another doctor, Antoine Louis.

– Today, most of the time, it will be a nuclear warhead.It is a guided ballistic missile which follows a path and has a range of 5500km.They are primarily designed for nuclear weapons delivery but can also carry chemical and biological weapons.

– Noise produced by a tinnitus masker, which is called white noise, is designed to be calming and less irritating than tinnitus sounds.

– This template is designed the same way as the others except that a default case is rare–lines within a system tend to have a different color.

– One man, Joseph Strauss, designed a very cheap bridge – only $17 million, but many thought it was ugly.

– VRML interactive vector graphics file format designed for the World Wide Web.

– After years of controversy and a court battle involving local schools, the Long Beach Airport is moving ahead with a $136-million improvement project designed to modernize the facility without sacrificing its historic Art Deco terminal or reputation among travelers for convenience.

– Many times airplanes will be designed for one task, and later someone will make small changes to the airplane to perform a different task.

– It was designed by Helmut Jahn.

– German designer Hermann Tilke designed the track.

– This can include using a wheelchair, a cane or walking stick, hearing aids, a teletypewriter and using specially designed software and hardware for the personal computer.

– Some people try to configure their computer to run faster than it was designed to do.

– In 1620 the rich merchant Sir Richard Robartes acquired the estate and began building Lanhydrock House, designed to a four-sided layout around a central courtyard.

– This was the first electric computer designed in China.

– This led to the Joint Brazil-U.S Defense Commission, which was designed to counter Axis influence in South America.

– He also designed the Bendix G15G15 computer for Bendix Aviation Corporation, which could perhaps be considered as the first “personal” computer in the world.

– The barrier was originally designed to protect London against a big flood level.

– She has worked for MTV, where she designed the main characters for the cartoon series “Daria”.

– Tupolev Tu-14 was a Soviet UnionSoviet twin-engine light bomber designed by Tupolev.

– The treaty is designed to help create a mutual understanding and confidence by giving all participants the ability to gather information about military forces and activities of concern to them.

– A IRMS is an mass spectrometer with a detector designed to measure a few select ions and return values as ratios.

– And that’s exactly what Halo is designed to do; wipe the galaxy clean of all sentient life.

– By knowing the soil and rock property below the planned construction site, the exact foundation material for the construction building can be properly designed to match with the character of the soil below it so that the building can stand strongly above the examined soil.

– It is being developed by Hines and designed by Pickard Chilton.

– It has an Intel Core M processor, which is designed for computers like this and does not need a fan or something else to cool it.

– Morgan’s architectural team also designed many houses, churches, cottages, schools, and many other types of buildings.

– The lower section contains weirs and :Lock locks, designed to allow for river navigation.

– Circular slide rules also eliminate “off-scale” calculations, because the scales were designed to “wrap around”; they never have to be re-oriented when results are near 1.0—the rule is always on scale.

– Wakizashi was more decorated than a katana and it was thinner, this is why it was designed to cut through softer targets.

– Its popular title “The Little Red Book” describes its size and appearance: it was specially designed for easy carrying.

– It was originally designed in 1977 for use on floppy disks.

– While computers such as typical laptops are mobile, the operating systems usually used on them are not considered mobile ones, as they were originally designed for desktop computers that historically did not have or need specific “mobile” features.

– The PKCS standard also has processing schemes designed to provide additional security for RSA signatures., the Probabilistic Signature Scheme for RSA.

– It was designed from the FinlandFinnish Soviet AK-47 assault rifle.

– Most cars are designed by a large group of people that usually includes artists and engineers.

– Tupolev Tu-204 is a Twinjettwin-engined, medium-range jet airliner seating capacity of 210 passengers, designed by Tupolev.

– BASIC was designed by John George Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz, in 1964.

– DeStefano Keating Partners designed the building, which is the 47th tallest in Chicago.

– She designed her tombstone.

– It is also a fashion accessory for men and women, and expensive watches are designed for this purpose.

– It was designed by clergyman’s daughter and children’s author Anne Abbott.

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