How to use the word “crises”

How to use in-sentence of “crises”:

+ This hunger crisis is different from crises in other years because it happened to the whole world at the same time.

+ The Principality was in several succession crises of the 11-12th centuries and a war with the Land of Novgorod.

+ He led the nation into the World War IFirst World War, but a series of military and political crises led to his replacement in late 1916 by David Lloyd George.

+ He was virtually unique among emperors in that he dealt with crises without leaving Italy once during his reign.

+ Seizures and crises are usually very tiring.

+ During 1990s, Russia faced many crises in political, social and economic matters.

+ After the world’s oil crises in the 1970s, Denmark started to develop wind power.

How to use the word crises
How to use the word crises

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