How to use the word “convict”

How to use in-sentence of “convict”:

– On February 5, 2020, Sanders voted to convict President Donald Trump in his impeachment trial.

– A military court proved that there is no single piece of evidence, which would convict him.

– Watson is also confronted by Franklin who claims that he saw the escaped convict on the moor hiding in a old stone hut.

– Eastwood also stars in the movie as a journalist covering the execution of a death row inmate, only to discover that the convict may actually be innocent.

– He reduced the number of convict servants that the military officers could have.

– The story is about a former convict named Jean Valjean.

– In 1825 the British government decided to set up a new convict prison on Norfolk Island.

How to use the word convict
How to use the word convict

Example sentences of “convict”:

– The “Friendship” was a convict transport ship in the First Fleet.

– When the state kills a convict sentenced to capital punishment, it is called execution.

– One convict on Cockatoo Island was the Australian bushranger, Captain Thunderbolt.

– Then, they were no longer a convict and could do everything except leave the colony.

– There was one male convict and forty-nine female convicts which meant that there were only fifty convicts on the ship.

– It is said to have been designed by James Blackburn James Blackburn, an architect and a convict who had been sent to Tasmania for the crime of forgery.

- The "Friendship" was a convict transport ship in the First Fleet.

- When the state kills a convict sentenced to capital punishment, it is called execution.
- One convict on Cockatoo Island was the Australian bushranger, Captain Thunderbolt.

– It is Sheldon the convict who was wearing Henry Baskerville old clothes.

– Originally, it was an execution where the convict was killed by hitting him with a club.

– In July 1789, David Collins David Collins, the colony’s Judge-Advocate, said that John Caesar was the hardest working convict in the new colony.

– He tried the same trick on his cousin Henry twice-the first time however it was the convict wearing Henry clothing that fell victim.

More in-sentence examples of “convict”:

– Among the people on the Second Fleet were D’Arcy Wentworth and his convict mistress Catherine Crowley, on “Neptune”, and John Macarthur John Macarthur, then a young lieutenant in the Elizabeth, on “Scarborough”.

– Caesar was caught by a convict named William Saltmarsh.

– A policeman is obsessed to convict a rape suspect.

– A convict who found gold near Bathurst in 1823 was given 150 lashes with a whip as it was believed he must have stolen it.

– Robert Lowe reminded members that Bland had been a convict and had killed a man in 1813.

– Cash was sent as a convict to Sydney, sailing in the ship “Marquis of Huntley”.

– This was also a way to save money, but it caused abuses just like the convict labor system did.

– A convict who kept to the conditions of his ticket of leave was given a conditional pardon after half of the time he was supposed to be in gaol.

– The British First Fleet of convict ships arrived at Sydney in 1788 and New South Wales became a Crown Colony, with King George III of England as its King.

– Phillip took a group of convict ships from Portugal to Brazil.

– Steel is one of the American companies which have admitted using African-American leased convict labor.

– Wellington was settled in the 1823 by Lieutenant Percy Simpson in early 1823 as a convict settlement.

– Here are some examples of different states’ convict leasing systems.

– No weapons were kept on the convict transports in case of mutiny.

– The “Prince of Wales” was a convict transport ship in the First Fleet.

– Batman became very unhealthy after 1835, and he separated from his wife, convict Elizabeth Callaghan.

– Between 1839 and 1869 the island was used as a convict prison.

– In December 1860, convict Peisley gained his Ticket of Leave at Scone, conditional upon him remaining in the Hunter River Valley.

– Another early story about the bunyip was written in 1852 by an escaped convict named William Buckley.

– The “Charlotte” was one of six convict transport ships in the First Fleet.

– It was the beginning of a plan to send thousands of prisoners to Australia to make convict settlements.

– Howe arrived in Hobart on October on the convict ship “Indefatigable”.

– A convict printer, Robert Walsh printed the orders and instructions for the settlement on a small printing press.

– After he got to the United States, he wrote a novel about convict life called Moondyne: An Australian Tale, whose main character was called “Moondyne Joe”.

– Scholar Randall Shelden argues that the convict lease system created an incentive to convict black people.

– A former convict living in New York City tries to go straight.

– One source says: “Mines and plantations that used convict laborers commonly had secret graveyards containing the bodies of prisoners who had been beaten and/or tortured to death.

– One child of convict parents was John Pascoe Fawkner, who returned to start the settlement of Melbourne in 1835.

– In his old age he acted as a guide on a ship set up as a convict museum.

– Donahue was working with a man known as “Darky” Underwood, and an escaped convict Jack Walmsley.

– An all-white jury failed to convict De La Beckwith in his first two trials.

– So the states passed laws that would make it easy to convict innocent black people of crimes.

– His father, Patrick Byrne, had come from County Carlow, Ireland, in 1849, to join his father, Joseph, who had come to Australia as a convict in 1834.

– Constitution, a two-thirds majority of the Senate is required to convict the president.

– The convict settlement closed in 1831.

– Meanwhile, police pursue escaped convict Flint Marko, who visits his wife and sick daughter before fleeing again.

– One of the men with him, a convict named James Taylor, was drowned while trying to cross the Broken River.Australian Encyclopaedia Vol 1.

– The Australian Convict Sites were selected as the best examples of the world’s convict era.

– He would have been kept in the convict gaol at Port Arthur.

– The prison buildings were listed as a World Heritage Site in 2010, along with ten other convict sites around Australia.

– In March 1854, he was able to marry Mary Bennett, a convict from County Clare.

– The “Alexander” was one of six convict transport ships in the First Fleet.

– Not all Australian convicts and ticket of leave holders arrived in Australia on convict transports.

– However the escort ship was wrecked on the way and did not arrive, and one convict ship was delayed and arrived two months after the other ships.

– When he left 265 major works had been completed, including new army barracks, three convict barracks, roads to Parramatta, New South WalesParramatta, a road across the Blue Mountains, stables, a hospital and five towns along the Hawkesbury River, which were out of reach of floodwaters.

– Later, Congress impeached him, but the Senate did not convict him.

- Among the people on the Second Fleet were D'Arcy Wentworth and his convict mistress Catherine Crowley, on "Neptune", and John Macarthur John Macarthur, then a young lieutenant in the Elizabeth, on "Scarborough".

- Caesar was caught by a convict named William Saltmarsh.

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