How to use the word “convey”

How to use in-sentence of “convey”:

+ Scholars have commented that although these parables seem simple, the messages they convey are deep, and central to the teachings of Jesus.

+ The songs may convey folklore and other popular tales.

+ The OSM Location map on the other hand, cannot add the Q value lines and areas except to the fullscreen click-through, but can use the framed map to show a much richer selection of dots, shapes, overlays, images and especially text to convey specific details relevant to a particular article.

+ Timelines are particularly useful for studying history, as they convey a sense of change over time.

+ The balance of these terms creates a powerful way to convey a message in any communication style.

How to use the word convey
How to use the word convey

Example sentences of “convey”:

+ Male models will try to convey sexual arousal, though not through a full erection.

+ By using this style she tries to convey her passionate philosophical ideas.

+ This makes it possible for the bees to convey up-to-date directional information during their waggle dance, without having to make a comparison with the sun during long dance phases.

+ It should be provided if it can convey any additional information about the image, such as the sex or life stage of the individual, the location where the picture was taken, the artist the particular species depicted.

+ Edmonds’ profession as Frank Thompson reached a conclusion when she traveled to Berry’s Brigade so as to convey mail to Union powers.

+ The symbols were designed to convey the seven principles.

+ The result is a very silly show that still manages to convey how paralyzing shyness can be and how enforced intimacy can reveal unsuspected aspects of a person’s character.

+ Below, we find a calm place, where heated comments are removed and templates are used to convey consensus rather than words.

+ Broadcast technologies that do not depend on man-made infrastructure to convey communication may be least susceptible to disruption during disasters and emergencies.

+ All languages use pitch semanticssemantically, that is, as intonation, for instance for emphasis, to convey surprise or irony, or to pose a question.

+ Apart from the headers, there are two more templates whose inclusion in succession boxes is not necessitated by any technical restrictions, but they convey useful information and their usage may be required by guidelines.

+ Male models will try to convey sexual arousal, though not through a full erection.

+ By using this style she tries to convey her passionate philosophical ideas.

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