How to use the word “comparable”

How to use in-sentence of “comparable”:

+ The technology is comparable to POTS telephones.

+ A “habitable planet candidate” implies a terrestrial planet within the zone, and with conditions roughly comparable to those of the Earth i.e.

+ Industrialization developed rapidly and within next three to four decades Japan had become a military power, comparable to others of the time.

+ Later, the lecturers at the University of Yaoundé I gave us a comparable picture of Germany.

+ Let’s all be able to see both sides so this doesn’t get comparable to politics.

+ The Royal Military Academy is comparable to the Britannia Royal Naval College, the Royal Air Force College Cranwell, Commando Training Centre Royal Marines.

+ Aurora is comparable to Eos in Greek mythology and to Ushas in Hindu mythology.

How to use the word comparable
How to use the word comparable

Example sentences of “comparable”:

+ At Wikiquote, it took way longer than this to achieve a comparable level of participation.

+ The honorary citizenship is comparable to the honour Freedom of the City.

+ After outsmarting and defeating his rivals, Krushchev established a personal control over the government comparable to Stalin’s own, even if he never went as far in murdering millions of people.

+ This fact has made a small growth of crime level, but is not comparable to other major Brazilian cities.

+ Despite being a developed country, South Korea has been growing at a speed comparable to Brazil and Mexico.

+ The physical properties of alkenes are comparable with those of alkanes.

+ The parliament is called the States General, comparable with the Senate in other countries, and often called likewise.

+ IPsec is an end-to-end security solution and operates at the Internet Layer of the Internet Protocol Suite, comparable to network layerLayer 3 in the OSI model.

+ Pg 69: “In Arabic literature there has been no artistic elaboration of the story comparable to that undertaken by the Turkish poet Nizami.” Nezāmi was born in Ganja, AzerbaijanGanja, now Azerbaijan.

+ Khat is used as a stimulant in Yemen, Ethiopia and Somalia, the effects are comparable to those of drinking tea or coffee.

+ It is not seen as a form of amnesia comparable to the other types.

+ In general, such lenses have a lower aperture than comparable fixfocus lenses.

+ At Wikiquote, it took way longer than this to achieve a comparable level of participation.

+ The honorary citizenship is comparable to the honour Freedom of the City.

More in-sentence examples of “comparable”:

+ The region of its brain that detected smell was small, although its brain size was comparable to that of other dinosaurs.

+ Some such devices also have a controller chip comparable to an embedded system.

+ The 1988–89 drought caused damage comparable to Hurricane Andrew in August 1992 and Hurricane Katrina in August 2005.

+ During that time, he did not face a shot and in doing this he was rendered as the NHL’s comparable version to Major League Baseball’s legendary Moonlight Graham.

+ The name is somewhat misleading, since the jam or jelly used is specially made with less pectin, so that it does not “set” like jams and jellies manufactured for table use but has a consistency comparable to Bavarian cream.

+ These arrangements may be comparable to a drummer’s accompaniment and can be used as the rhythm tracks in productions without additional arranging.

+ Although this individual was small, comparable in size to “Archaeopteryx”, “Caudipteryx”, and “Mei”, it was close to adulthood.

+ Triton, which is not only massive enough for its surface to have collapsed into a sphere, but is comparable in size to our own moon, is highlighted in purple.

+ The following list lists those codes that were actually used on British Railways, cross-referred to the comparable code used by the LMS, with the exception that the letter “S” is used.

+ The effects produced by BZP are comparable to those produced by amphetamine.

+ The province has an area of 28,773mi² or comparable in size to New England in North America.

+ Competitive swimming started in Europe around 1800 and was part of the first modern 1896 Summer Olympics in Athens, though not in a form comparable to the contemporary events.

+ Also, once again, this would result in the formation of a product that is in an excited state of comparable stability to the excited state of the reactant compound.

+ On the other hand, if it is brightly coloured like the neighbouring moon Miranda, then it would be even smaller than Cupid and comparable to the smallest farther moons.

+ The toxicity of HS is comparable with that of hydrogen cyanide.

+ Associating any other thing or person as being comparable to God is called “shirk” in Islam.

+ Hardware description languages are strongly comparable to programming languages.

+ To members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The Book of Mormon is a special book from God comparable to the Bible.

+ In France, the United Kingdom and Russia, however, there are significant communities left comparable to before the war.

+ Mexico and South Korea are currently the world’s 14th and 15th largest by nominal GDP, See List of countries by GDP just behind the BRIC and G7 economies, while both are experiencing rapid GDP growth of 5% every year, a figure comparable to Brazil from the original BRICs.

+ While the music videos are comparable to that of “Nirvana the industrial rock band Nine Inch Nails, the band The Police and the movie studio “Universal Pictures”, the portrayal of death in “Happy Tree Friends” is usually more extreme sport stunts and anatomically correct, showing rain and special effects in more vivid and often exaggerated detail.

+ I do however think that rather than semi-automatically create stubs of rivers that no one will ever look at, let alone extend, it is better to focus attention: What are the 5-10 rivers in Romania you are most interested in? Get them to a level comparable to Somme River or Seine.

+ Army was vulnerable in not having a unit comparable to the SAS.

+ So, are we looking at a personality comparable to Billy Graham? – I doubt it, and propose deleting, after the week’s discussion.

+ The region of its brain that detected smell was small, although its brain size was comparable to that of other dinosaurs.

+ Some such devices also have a controller chip comparable to an embedded system.
+ The 1988–89 drought caused damage comparable to Hurricane Andrew in August 1992 and Hurricane Katrina in August 2005.

+ Passage is comparable to the strict movements that occurred at Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin at the height of the Cold War.

+ I also doubt this situation is comparable to that of the song “It’s raining men”, of 1982.

+ To improve the chances of reading a positive result correctly, the ion ratios of the various mass fragments are comparable to a known reference standard.

+ Halfway through production, Grimes replaced Blitt and Steve’s design was made to be more attractive, so he would be less comparable to Neil Goldman from “Family Guy”.

+ While the “XY is a tehsil in AB district” articles are comparable to the “X is a city in Y, US”, the notability of the tehsils is much harder to verify.

+ Estimates of these sources suggest that the heavy bombardment before 3.5 billion years ago made available quantities of organics comparable to those produced by other energy sources.

+ Even though it is not comparable to the state sponsored persecution of the past, P’ent’ay Christians in Ethiopia still face persecution from private citizens in Muslim dominated rural areas.

+ Following the example of physics education research, CER tends to take the theories and methods developed in pre-college science education research and applies them to understanding comparable problems in post-secondary settings.

+ Its popularity and use is comparable to the modern drug aspirin.

+ Anderssen became the most successful tournament player in Europe, winning over half the events he entered—including the Baden-Baden 1870 tournament, which is comparable to modern strong GM tournaments.

+ In temperatures, the conversion will be rounded either to the precision comparable to that of the input value or to that which would give three significant figures when expressed in kelvins, whichever is more precise.

+ This temporarily raised the cardiovascular risk in these individuals to a level comparable to that of an individual with established coronary artery disease.

+ This is comparable to a DSL or low end cable modem speed.

+ However, his death came before he could produce any breakthroughs comparable to those of his earlier years.

+ They proceed less rapidly than strong decay processes with comparable mass differences, but more rapidly than comparable weak decays.

+ Ius migrationis: The right to preserve one’s level of citizenship upon relocation to a polis of comparable status.

+ It is comparable with the House of Representatives in other countries, because it is chosen by direct elections.

+ The effect would be comparable to the shadow of a golf ball cast by sunlight on an object from Earth.

+ Trierweiler studied history and political sciences at the Sorbonne in Paris, and finished these with a university diploma, comparable to a Master of the Bologna process.

+ Concrete block masonry is rapidly gaining in popularity as a comparable material.

+ By default, the conversion result will be rounded either to precision comparable to that of the input value or to two significant digits, whichever is more precise.

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