How to use the word “clog”

How to use in-sentence of “clog”:

– Like a clog in sink pipes makes it harder for water to get through the pipes, clogs in arteries make it more difficult for blood to get through.

– For example, motor oil, which is another type of honing oil, cannot be used with sharpening stones since it is too thick and instead of protecting the sharpening stone pores, it will clog them.

– They are still visible in the page history, and especially if there are numerous other messages, they can just clog up the page.

– What do you think deleting 20,000 stubs will do? Clog up the deletion log.

– A clog is a kind of shoe.

– As a result, they clog water sources.

How to use the word clog
How to use the word clog

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