How to use the word “biota”

How to use in-sentence of “biota”:

– The biota was extremely varied, having many different body forms, and hence species.

– The biota also has the earliest and most basal known members of groups which spread all around the world by the Upper Cretaceous, including neoceratopsians, therizinosaurs, tyrannosaurs, and oviraptors.

– The biota appears to suffer a fairly severe extinction event at the boundary with the Cambrian.

– As a result, many of the endemic biota of the islands are seriously endangered or extinct.

– The biota probably extended as far as North Korea.

– The Jehol biota includes all the living organisms – the ecosystem – of northeastern China between 133 to 120 million years ago.

– The Ediacaran biota were the result of an early metazoan radiation.

How to use the word biota
How to use the word biota

Example sentences of “biota”:

– This geological period was from 635–542 million years ago, but the fossil biota was only from 575–542 million years ago.

– Soft-bodied organisms can fossilise in special circumstances: the Ediacaran biota is a good example.

– The remarkable fossils from the Early Cretaceous Jehol biota of China and how they have changed our knowledge of Mesozoic life.

– The Ediacara biota is the first complex organisms in the geological record large enough to be seen without magnification.

– The Jehol biota has produced fossils of plant mega- and microfossils, including the earliest angiosperms, charophytes and dinocysts, snails, pterosaurs, and dinosaurs including dinobirds, the largest mammals known from the Mesozoic, and a great diversity of birds including the earliest advanced birds, and the smallest and largest birds known from the Mesozoic.

– Discovery, collection, and description of the Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale biota by Charles Doolittle Walcott.

– This means our understanding of the Cambrian biota is better than that of some later periods.

– This biota occurred in the upper part of the period, the Pennsylvanian, from 315–300 million years years ago.

– Echinoids were a relatively unimportant part of the biota in the Palaeozoic.

– This is probably the earliest of the Jehol biota lagerstätte sites.

– Taphonomy and palaeoecology of the Early Cambrian Chengjiang Biota from Eastern Yunnan, China.

– The data show some things about the biota of the region.

– It has been suggested that some or all of the Ediacaran biota might be lichen.

– The Solnhofen biota is composed of the animals and plants which lived in the area.

- This geological period was from 635–542 million years ago, but the fossil biota was only from 575–542 million years ago.

- Soft-bodied organisms can fossilise in special circumstances: the Ediacaran biota is a good example.

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