How to use the word “biochemistry”

How to use in-sentence of “biochemistry”:

– She also studied about the immune system and viruses as well as biochemistry and pharmacology.

– MacKinnon then transferred to Brandeis University after one year, and there he received a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry in 1978, studying calcium transport through the cell membrane for his honors thesis in Christopher Miller’s laboratory.

– In 1959, he began teaching biochemistry at Vanderbilt University.

– Peggy Annette Whitson is an American biochemistry researcher, retired NASA astronaut, and former NASA Chief Astronaut.

– She received her master’s degree in biochemistry in 1964.

– Historically, Romanian researches and inventors have made notable contributions to several fields, such as: aeronautics, medicine, mathematics, computer science/engineering, physics, biophysics, chemistry, biochemistry and biology.

How to use the word biochemistry
How to use the word biochemistry

Example sentences of “biochemistry”:

– Together they began the study of the development of eye pigment in “Drosophila” which later led to the work on the biochemistry of the genetics of the “fungus” “Neurospora”.

– The Archaea have an independent evolutionevolutionary history and show many differences in their biochemistry from other forms of life.

– They do have DNA, and their biochemistry is basically the same as other living things.

– He invented gel electrophoresis in 1955, which is now one of the basic techniques of biochemistry and molecular biology.

– Aside from these simple ions and molecules, virtually all compounds covered by biochemistry contain carbon and can be considered organic or organometallic.

– She is the Linus Pauling Professor of Chemical Engineering, Bioengineering, and Biochemistry at the California Institute of Technology.

– In 1959, Paleček got a PhD in biochemistry from Masaryk University in Brno, Czechoslovakia.

– Most scientific journals are now specific to just one kind of science, for example only biochemistry or only mining science.

– He also studied the biochemistry of plants, and enzyme reactions in plant cells.

– Duke Professor of Medicine and Professor of Biochemistry and Chemistry at Duke University.

– He was a Sterling ProfessorSterling Professor of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry at Yale University.

- Together they began the study of the development of eye pigment in "Drosophila" which later led to the work on the biochemistry of the genetics of the "fungus" "Neurospora".

- The Archaea have an independent evolutionevolutionary history and show many differences in their biochemistry from other forms of life.
- They do have DNA, and their biochemistry is basically the same as other living things.

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