How to use the word “at the most”

How to use in-sentence of “at the most”:

– Shah begins the story at the most dramatic moment, when a young woman cries out for help in the cold river, attacked by crocodiles.

– It has views across Hyde Park and a position at the most fashionable western edge of London.

– Kim was offered the chance to study at the most prestigious universities in Korea, but instead chose to attend a provincial university.

– General Jackson’s command will form the advance, and after passing Middletown, MarylandMiddletown, with such portions as he may select, take the route toward Sharpsburg, cross the Potomac at the most convenient point, and by Friday night take possession of the Martinsburg, and intercept such as may attempt to escape from Harper’s Ferry.

– The Portuguese governor, who had at the most 3,000 men to oppose an Indian army of 30,000, blew up a few bridges to delay the invaders but his situation was plainly hopeless and he hoisted the white flag and surrendered.

– Until 1945, these were at the most important parts of the German state.

– Throughout its existence, the rock band has given many concerts at the most advanced concert venues in Moscow, New York City, Toronto, Vancouver, Chicago and other major cities.

– The babies at the most risk were girls; babies with physical disabilities; ugly babies; children born to poor families; and babies who looked unwell.

How to use the word at the most
How to use the word at the most

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