How to use the word “angrily”

How to use in-sentence of “angrily”:

– Utam went angrily to destroy several humans, buildings.

– Eileithyia jumped up in surprise, allowing Herakles and his twin to be born. Hera angrily turned Galanthis into a weasel.

– According to the myth, Apollo saw through the trick and angrily cast the cup, crow, and snake into the sky.

– His fiancée meets him angrily and then leaves him when she finds out what Joe’s been doing.

– In the first interaction, Quincy angrily knocks her down during game point and scars her face.

How to use the word angrily
How to use the word angrily

Example sentences of “angrily”:

- He tells the crowd angrily that they are wicked to go against God’s will.

- He then returns home to learn that his beloved Uncle Ben, has been murdered and as Spider-Man he angrily sets off to capture the killer.
- However, there's also the chance that her date will react angrily and misgender her after finding out she is transgender, and maybe even assault her.

– He tells the crowd angrily that they are wicked to go against God’s will.

– He then returns home to learn that his beloved Uncle Ben, has been murdered and as Spider-Man he angrily sets off to capture the killer.

– However, there’s also the chance that her date will react angrily and misgender her after finding out she is transgender, and maybe even assault her.

– Katerina asks her to forgive her, too, but Grushenka angrily says no.

– They’re angrily met by Mother.

– Monckton angrily said no, and they shot each other in a furious fight.

– Polixenes then removes his disguise and angrily tells his son never to see Perdita again.

– He angrily tells General Tilney another lie, that Catherine is penniless.

– Realizing he’s becoming the thing he swore to destroy, Luke denies his father’s wishes of continuing the fight, but angrily lashes out at his father when the latter threatens to turn Leia to the Dark Side.

– The Austrian Emperor, Franz I, angrily declared war on Napoleon, beginning the War of the Third Coalition.

– Patience, or Catwoman, slips from her cell and angrily meets Laurel in her office.

– However, while all this was going on, several of the oppose votes again set me off and I angrily replied to several of their oppose votes, even going so far as to accusing Swatjester of being canvassed into voting on this site, which was a big mistake on my part.

– Then Patton angrily swore at the soldier, calling him a coward.

– After Gale forcibly confronts Sidney, Jerry and Tom with Cotton, Sidney angrily hits Gale and Jerry angrily scolds at Sidney for hitting Gale.

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