How to use the word “ammonia”

How to use in-sentence of “ammonia”:

– It is made by reacting ammonia with sodium to make sodium amide.

– The main uses are in the petroleum industry and in making ammonia by the Haber process.

– Ammonium nitrate is made by reacting ammonia with nitric acid.

– It reacts with ammonia to make a dark blue solution.

– It reacts with ammonia to make a very dark blue solution.

– The prize was for his invention of the Haber processHaber–Bosch process, a method used in industry to synthesise ammonia from nitrogen gas and hydrogen gas.

– In 1909, Haber’s process could produce about one cup of ammonia every two hours.

– This was important because ammonia can be used to make fertilizer that makes crop plants grow.

How to use the word ammonia
How to use the word ammonia

Example sentences of “ammonia”:

– Frank starts a new job working as a janitor where he uses ammonia to clean.

– Hydrogen required for ammonia synthesis could also be produced economically using other sources like coal or coke gasification, less economically from the electrolysis of water into oxygen + hydrogen and other alternatives that are presently impractical for large scale production.

– Because of its many uses, ammonia is one of the most highly produced inorganic chemicals.

– People used the ammonia to make crop fertilizer and explosives and chemical weapons and pesticides.

– Another example is the ammonia molecule, which is pyramidal and contains a three-fold rotation axis as well as three mirror planes at an angle of 120° to each other.

– His health began to get worse when he suffered from high ammonia levels.

– It is made by reacting copper chloride dissolved in ammonia with acetylene.

– Some scientists think that there is a lot of liquid water and ammonia underneath the surface, enough to fill an entire ocean.

– It reacts with base bases to make ammonia gas.

– At one time, most of Europe’s ammonia was produced from the Hydro plant at Vemork, using electrolysis.

– It reacts with solutions of hydrochloric acid or ammonia containing oxygen.

– It can be used to test for ammonia and as a semiconductor.

– It dissolves in ammonia to make a colorless solution.

- Frank starts a new job working as a janitor where he uses ammonia to clean.

- Hydrogen required for ammonia synthesis could also be produced economically using other sources like coal or coke gasification, less economically from the electrolysis of water into oxygen + hydrogen and other alternatives that are presently impractical for large scale production.

More in-sentence examples of “ammonia”:

– When the ampoule is broken, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide gases are released from the solution.

– After opening the bottle of ammonia and breathing the fumes Frank starts finding it difficult to breath, his chest tightens up and he develops other signs and symptoms of asthma.

– This mixture is boiled, converting the ammonium carbonate to ammonia and carbon dioxide.

– It reacts with water to make ammonia and sodium hydroxide.

– Haber figured out how to make ammonia using nitrogen and hydrogen.

– Ammonium chloride can be deprotonationdeprotonated by strong bases such as sodium hydroxide to produce ammonia gas.It is sublime compound.

– It dissolves in ammonia to make a colorless complex.

– Bleach should also not be mixed with ammonia because a hazardous chemical reaction will occur.

– Professor Schrock’s work is continuing with metathesis as well as projects such as dinitrogen fixation and single molecule catalysts which make ammonia from dinitrogen, similar to nitrogenase enzymes in biology.

– To hunt for its prey, the Candirú lies at the bottom of the river testing and sniffing the water for certain chemicals, such as urea and ammonia from the gills of other fish.

– It turns back into mercury chloride when reacted with ammonia or exposed to ultraviolet light.

– This halocline between the seawater above and the brine below has many bacterial and archaeal cells: they are chemoautotrophs, which feed on ammonia from the brine but cannot function without some oxygen.

– In fact, some very important reactions are actually “unfavorable”; one such example is the synthesis of ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen gas, which has a rather small equilibrium constant.

– It is synthesised using ammonia and iodine.

– The difference is that the three hydrogens in ammonia are changed to any group or atom.

– If a goldfish tank is dirty from their waste, the fish can suffer from ammonia burns which cause black spots or patches on their body.

– It can be made by reacting ammonia or ammonium carbonate with chloric acid.

– But if we could conceive in some warm little pond, with all sorts of ammonia and phosphoric salts, light, heat, electricity, c., present, that a protein compound was chemically formed ready to undergo still more complex changes, at the present day such matter would be instantly devoured or absorbed, which would not have been the case before living creatures were formed”.

– For instance, a mixture of the gases hydrogen and nitrogen contains hydrogen and nitrogen, not the compound ammonia which is made of hydrogen and nitrogen atoms.

– The black color that came from the reaction with ammonia gave its name “calomel”.

– In Landterrestrial animals ammonia-like compounds are converted into other nitrogenous materials as there is less water in the environment, and ammonia itself is toxic.

– He suggested that the original spark of life may have begun in a “warm little pond, with all sorts of ammonia and phosphorusphosphoric salts, lights, heat, electricity, etc.

– If ammonia levels are too high, “nitrification” must happen.

– It dissolves in ammonia to make a dark blue solution, similar to copper hydroxide.

- When the ampoule is broken, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide gases are released from the solution.

- After opening the bottle of ammonia and breathing the fumes Frank starts finding it difficult to breath, his chest tightens up and he develops other signs and symptoms of asthma.
- This mixture is boiled, converting the ammonium carbonate to ammonia and carbon dioxide.

– This is ammonia acting as an acid, although a very weak one.

– The worldwide ammonia production in 2004 was 109million metric tonnes.

– It dissolves in solutions that have ammonia in them.

– The lower atmosphere is made up of volatiles such as water, ammonia and methane.

– Other liquids, such as ammonia or methane or milk could be called ice when they freeze but they are called ‘milk ice’, for instance, instead of just ‘ice’.

– Hot nitrogen is reacted with hydrogen under high pressure with a catalyst, usually nickel to make ammonia gas.

– In these roots, they make ammonia for the plant and the plant gives them carbohydrates.

– Amides made by deprotonating ammonia are very strong bases.

– In hydrogenation, Hydrogen sulfide and ammonia gases are produced.

– In the 19th century United KingdomBritish scientist and inventor Michael Faraday discovered that compressing and liquefying ammonia could chill air when the liquefied ammonia was allowed to evaporate.

– Haber had won the Nobel Prize for inventing a way to make ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen.

– In chemical ionization, a reagent gas, typically methane or ammonia is put into the mass spectrometer.

– Ammonium carbonate, also known as baker’s ammonia or sal volatile, is a chemical compound.

– People can also use ammonia to make explosives and poisons.

– Aquatic animals usually excrete ammonia directly into the water, as this compound is soluble and there is ample water available for dilution.

– It releases ammonia when put in water.

– It is an ammonia molecule, NH.

– The now-famous Miller–Urey experiment used a highly redoxreduced mixture of gases – methane, ammonia and hydrogen – to form basic organic monomers, such as amino acids.

– Thus ammonia molecule belongs to the C”.

– Nitrification is the oxidation of ammonia and ammonium to nitrite by bacteria.

– It reacts with ammonia to make a purple solution.

– It reacts with ammonia and acetylene to make copper acetylide, a reddish explosive.

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