How to use the word “adhesives”

How to use in-sentence of “adhesives”:

– Super glue, or cyanoacrylate, is the general name for a family of fast-acting adhesives with industrial, medical and household uses.

– The earliest known use of adhesives was discovered in central Italy when two stone flakes partially covered with birch-bark tar.

– They are solvent-based adhesives and polymer dispersion adhesives.

– Anaerobic adhesives hardens when in comes in contact with metal, in the absence of oxygen.

– There are two types of adhesives that harden by drying.

– Contact adhesives are used in strong bonds with high Shear stressshear-resistance like laminates, such as bonding Formica to a wooden counter, and in footwear.

– There are several commercial combinations of multi-component adhesives in use in industry.

– Cyanoacrylate adhesives are sometimes known as instant glues.

How to use the word adhesives
How to use the word adhesives

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