How to use in-sentence of “work”

How to use in-sentence of “work”:

– He was Secretary-General of the Party of Independence and Work for years.

– The powder was said to work against almost any disease.

– This work is thought to have been edited by Li Panlong, who was a founder of the Ancient Rhetoric school.

– Originally, Stalin wanted to Sovietize all of Germany, but when the West resisted this idea, he tried to work for a united Germany which would be neutral, but when the West again said no he decided to build a new country out of the Soviet occupation zone.

– He left university to work in the theater.

How to use in-sentence of work
How to use in-sentence of work

Example sentences of “work”:

– David Fefolt is an American hard rock and heavy metal vocalist best known for his work with Hawk, Masi and Angels of Babylon.

– His recent work has looked at moral and geopolitical issues, including The Holocaust, CommunismCommunist Russia, and the September 11, 2001 attacks and Islamism.

– A male mask permitted Edmonds to eat, travel, and work freely.

– Rural is the opposite of urban, which means places such as citycities where buildings and places where people work and live are all close together.

– However those who work live stunt shows continue to do so until very late in life.

– After getting his doctorate he returned to Dison, where he carried on his literary work as well as working as a lawyer.

- David Fefolt is an American hard rock and heavy metal vocalist best known for his work with Hawk, Masi and Angels of Babylon.

- His recent work has looked at moral and geopolitical issues, including The Holocaust, CommunismCommunist Russia, and the September 11, 2001 attacks and Islamism.

– Professor Jean Fagan Yellin did a lot of research work and wrote the book “Harriet Jacobs.

– The post-impressionist painters lived in France and knew each other, but they did not work together as a group, in the way that some of the impressionists did.

– The work has four movements: Andante un poco maestoso – Allegro molto vivace.

– The 1 September convoy also brought 392 construction engineers to work on Henderson Field.

More in-sentence examples of “work”:

- After abandoning his work as a school teacher, Wittgenstein worked as a gardener's assistant in a monastery near Vienna and then he worked with the architect, Paul Engelmann.

- Taylor commented: "I enjoy playing now much more than I did in the very beginning because I can have fun with him more, and we kind of know him and can work out how he really would react.
- He continued to work at "Atlántida", but he had not finished it when he died.

– After abandoning his work as a school teacher, Wittgenstein worked as a gardener’s assistant in a monastery near Vienna and then he worked with the architect, Paul Engelmann.

– Taylor commented: “I enjoy playing now much more than I did in the very beginning because I can have fun with him more, and we kind of know him and can work out how he really would react.

– He continued to work at “Atlántida”, but he had not finished it when he died.

– The notification will only work successfully if you sign your post in the same edit in which you use this template.

– Henry’s work on energy regulation and metabolism, protein metabolism and body composition has enabled him to develop a new model of energy regulation.

– Valzacchi and Annina now work both for Octavian and for Ochs.

– People who control government work there to make laws.

– Fenn shared half of the award with Koichi Tanaka for their work in mass spectrometry.

– Having an actual Enigma machine, and knowing how to use it, was a much needed start for the British work at Bletchley Park.

– Much more important was the work he did which led to spectroscopy.

– A lot of people work in the Air Force base today.

– He did this work with Robert Langlands.

– Composers were able to work there, composing music, without having to finish pieces by any particular date.

– Clark was born in Derby and after studying art he started work at Royal Crown Derby.

– The Financial Services Committee also oversees the work of the Federal Reserve, the United States Department of the Treasury, the U.S.

– Darwin’s most important scientific work is “Zoönomia which contains a system of pathology, and a treatise on generation, in which he anticipated some of Lamarck’s ideas on evolution.

– They were purchased by British Rail in 1967 and transported to the Isle of Wight to work ‘mainline’ services on the newly electrified Ryde to Shanklin line.

– In 1914, the 42-minute work was cut to a 20-minute suite for concert performance.

– The next day, Penguin and Catwoman work together to destroy Batman.

– In 2000, she received the Larra Prize for her work as the best journalist under 30 years of age.

– Recent work shows the appendix is a safe place for useful bacteria when illness flushes those bacteria from the rest of the intestines.Associated Press.

– The extra food that could be grown meant that some people didn’t have to work to get food.

– This was for her work at the Center for Documentation of Violations in Syria.

– The tool is already creating unnecessary work for editors and can only get worse.

– The labor force included storehouse recorders, work foremen, overseers, and harvest supervisors as well as laborers.

– Boards can have many different parts which are connected and work together.

– D’Amour left the band in 1995 to work with other bands.

– Some lawyers work for hospitals and private companies.

– His work was represented in museums and public art sites internationally, such as Museum of Modern Art, New York; Tate Modern, London; Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris; Centre Pompidou, París; Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; Wallraf-Richartz Museum, Colonia, and others.

– The family moved to Britain where his father found work in Bertram Mills circus.

– During cell division, enzymes that duplicate DNA cannot continue their work all the way to the end of chromosomes.

– In 1999 work was finished on a north side.

– He was soon in trouble and put to work on a road gang.

– After more work on the software, testing may be done again.

– The international staff are assisted by some 13,000 national employees, so about 15,000 people work for the ICRC.

– Her charity charity work includes support of Autism Speaks.

– King Gnu’s video and pictures are also created by them.  His work covers a wide range of topics.

– But for someone with hyperopia, their lens has to do that even when they’re looking far away, and it has to work extra hard to make close objects look clear.

– In early 2002, three dogs were awarded the Dickin Medal for their work in responding to the September 11 attacks.

– Academic and author Joyce Carol Oates highlighted Le Guin’s “outspoken sense of justice, decency, and common sense”, and called her “one of the great American writers and a visionary artist whose work will long endure”.

– Unfortunately, though we do have a page, it is not a proper article, so that needs work also.

– Poverty, lack of good schools and informal work places may be blamed.

– She was known for her work She was born in Bombay, Bombay State.

– Her family had wanted professional pop producers to work with Selena.

– His work can be seen in the Public Collection of the Museum of Modern Art in Yerevan.

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