How to use in-sentence of “widening”

How to use in-sentence of “widening”:

– The aims of the protest is to demand dialogue and to draw attention to several different issues such as the widening gap between rich and poor people in the UK as well as the great influence that companies and business groups have on decisions made by the UK government.

– As of 2009, widening projects continue in Brevard County from the SR528 junction in Cocoa to Palm Bay, as well as in northern Palm Beach County.

– Florida continues to complete widening projects.

– As the velocity keeps increasing, the single shock wave extends mostly to the rear and extends from the craft in a restricted widening cone.

– In all other organs low oxygen causes widening of blood vessels.

– Truck traffic on the road is projected to rise once the widening of the Panama Canal is completed in 2015.

– One should note that the majority of households in the top quintile had two income earners, versus zero for the lowest quintile and that the widening gap between the top and lowest quintile may largely be the reflection of changing household demographics including the addition of women to the workforce.

– The village is next to Washedemoak Lake, a widening of the Canaan River, several kilometres upstream of the Saint John River.

How to use in-sentence of widening
How to use in-sentence of widening

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