How to use in sentence of “wave”

How to use in-sentence of “wave”:

+ On August 31, a large tropical wave moved off the west coast of Africa.

+ Both types of wave have a hill and valley shape, repeating over and over.

+ Radical feminism is associated with the second wave of feminism.

+ Debby began as a tropical wave that collapsed shortly after leaving the coast of Africa.

+ The shock wave is considered to be that of an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.0 on the Richter scale.

+ Ant-mimicking spiders face several challenges: they generally develop slimmer abdomens and false “waists” to mimic the three distinct regions of an ant’s body; they wave the first pair of legs in form to their heads to mimic antennae, which spiders lack, and to conceal the fact that they have eight legs rather than six.

+ If we think of a wave as a wiggly line, wiggling a specific number of times a second, and we can change at which part of the wiggle it is in.

How to use in sentence of wave
How to use in sentence of wave

Example sentences of “wave”:

+ Mathematically it is possible to analyze such a wave into a number of different sine waves of different wavelengths.

+ Zamasu then flies off to find Trunks and the others when Zamasu finds them, Bulma tries to flirt with the evil Shinjin to persuade him not to kill anymore, Trunks then finds Zamasu choking his mother and tries the Evil Containment Wave to put him in a jar, Zamasu then breaks out of the jar.

+ It was destroyed by a powerful, interplanetary Shock waves in astrophysicsshock wave from the Sun.

+ She is best known for the Neue Deutsche WelleNew German Wave song “99 Luftballons”.

+ For example, when a light wave travels through air and then passes into water, the wave will slow and change direction.

+ A tropical cyclonetropical wave moved off the coast of Africa on August 24.

+ Second wave feminism was also characterized by the problematization of equality.

+ A wave of strikes broke out just the same as when the NWLB ended in 1918.

+ The sine wave has a pattern that repeats.

+ A sound wave is similar to a shock wave in the way it looks, but the two are not the same.

+ Mathematically it is possible to analyze such a wave into a number of different sine waves of different wavelengths.

+ Zamasu then flies off to find Trunks and the others when Zamasu finds them, Bulma tries to flirt with the evil Shinjin to persuade him not to kill anymore, Trunks then finds Zamasu choking his mother and tries the Evil Containment Wave to put him in a jar, Zamasu then breaks out of the jar.
+ It was destroyed by a powerful, interplanetary Shock waves in astrophysicsshock wave from the Sun.

+ An area of low pressure associated with a tropical wave near the Cape Verde islands developed into a tropical depression on September 28, after slowly developing for almost two days.

+ The westeren part of the wave grew bigger and was called Tropical Depression Six on September 30.

+ The tropical wave also moved slow when it entered the Gulf of Mexico, making it easier for it to develop.

+ Tropical storm Barry developed as a depression within the gulf of Honduras from a westward moving tropical wave on the 17th of June.

+ The wave moved across much of the Caribbean Sea, until September 28, at that time it became Tropical Depression Fifteen.

+ There wave action erodes the summit to form a flat surface.

+ When the crest and the trough of two waves of equal magnitude and frequency intersect or collide when in phase with each other the result is called constructive interference and the magnitudes double, when 180° out of phase the result is destructive interference with each other the resulting wave is the undisturbed line that is in the middle of the diagram having zero amplitude.

More in-sentence examples of “wave”:

+ The length of this repeating piece of the sine wave is called the wavelength.

+ In a later re-analysis, it was found that the low-level circulation of TD Ten had completely detached and dissipated, with only the remnant mid-level circulation moving on and merging with the second tropical wave mentioned before.

+ The length of this repeating piece of the sine wave is called the wavelength.

+ In a later re-analysis, it was found that the low-level circulation of TD Ten had completely detached and dissipated, with only the remnant mid-level circulation moving on and merging with the second tropical wave mentioned before.

+ The recordings show that the shock wave from the final explosion reverberated around the globe seven times.

+ The wave strengthened into Tropical Depression Eight on September 24 near Honduras.

+ The wave heights given are for ocean surface wavewaves on the open ocean, not near the shore.

+ In physics, a harmonic is a wave which is added to the basic fundamental wave.

+ It was the sixth Heat Wave event that ECW produced.

+ If we try to make the wave of a thing like a proton narrower and taller, that would make its position clearer, but then the momentum would get less well defined.

+ The crest of a wave and the trough of a wave are always twice the wave‘s amplitude apart from each other.

+ The beginning of this storm started from a tropical wave that moved off of Africa on September 11.

+ The way that people wave generally depends on their culture.

+ Until 2004, when Hurricane Ivan may have caused a wave up to 130feet.

+ A very common type of wave in the universe is electromagnetic waves.

+ Also, a famous natural tourist attraction, El Dedo de Dios, a geological feature which had been pointing towards the sky for more than a millennium and an important landmark for the Canary Islands, was destroyed by Delta’s winds and wave movement along Gran Canaria’s shore.

+ The tropical cyclonedepression formed on August 13 from a tropical wave that entered the Atlantic Ocean on August 8.

+ The main character, a teenager named Mau, was on a canoe trip when the wave came, so he did not die.

+ The Laplacian occurs in differential equations that describe many physical phenomena, such as electric potentialelectric and gravitational potentials, the heat and fluid flow, wave propagation, and quantum mechanics.

+ In quantum mechanics, a branch of physics, a matter wave is when you think of matter as a wave.

+ Coastal erosion is a term for the removal of beaches or dunes by waves, tidal currents, wave currents, or drainage.

+ See electromagnetic wave equation for a discussion of this important discovery.

+ Morison hoped the new font would compete against a wave of German sans-serif families such as Futura.

+ A shock wave is when lots of energy comes from a very small spot and shakes the material around it.

+ He is known better as “”Lemmy.”” Although they started in 1975 they did not start to become famous until they became part of the New Wave of British Heavy Metal in 1979.

+ Tropical Depression Four was made on August 13 in the east part of the Atlantic from the tropical wave to the south of Cape Verde.

+ The rise of popularity during this time was called the “second wave of black metal”.

+ These are the most general types of wave polarization.

+ To stand, wave your hand back and forth.

+ In physics, two wave wave sources are perfectly coherent if they have a constant phase difference and the same frequency, and the same waveform.

+ Harvey formed from a tropical cyclonetropical wave to the southwest of Bermuda on August 2 and passed close to Bermuda on August 4, bringing heavy rain to the island.

+ Where the first wave of feminism dealt with women in the workforce, as well as the right to own property and vote, the second wave of feminism lobbied for ‘liberation’ from a patriarchal society.

+ Tropical Depression Two formed from a tropical cyclonetropical wave over the Bay of Campeche on June 28, and quickly strengthened and became a tropical storm.

+ Kara’s spacecraft was hit by a wave of the Krypton explosion and was taken off course to the Phantom Zone, a region in space where time doesn’t pass.

+ If we try to make the momentum part of a wave description clearer, i.e., make it stay within a narrower range of values, then the wave peak spreads out and its position becomes less definite.

+ They can also wave by moving their hand up and down.

+ It moved quickly to the west, and broke down to a tropical wave the next day.

+ The system formed from a big tropical wave that moved off the coast of west Africa on September 6.

+ The fossiliferous strata were deposited in quiet, deep waters, below the influence of wave action in all but the fiercest of storms.

+ He became popular in the late 1970s, during the punk rockpunk and new wave era of bass player for Ian Dury and the Blockheads.

+ People wave by raising their hand and moving it from side to side.

+ As the velocity keeps increasing, the single shock wave extends mostly to the rear and extends from the craft in a restricted widening cone.

+ This shift will cause the wave to have interference with itself.

+ They are easy to imagine if you look from at the wave straight on.

+ When a guitar string is plucked, for example, a stationary wave is formed.

+ During the 1994 Major League Baseball strike Stiles appeared in several commercials for Nike, hanging out in an empty ballpark doing things such as playing the organ and attempting to do the wave alone.

+ It involves various internet users from around the world trying to find out the artist and the title of a new wave song.

+ Towne was part of the New Hollywood wave of filmmaking.

+ When the wave came across the Leeward Islands on July 28, the National Hurricane Center began to watch the system closely for any possible strengthening, which did not happen at that time.

+ There are thirty seconds between each wave of enemies.

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