How to use in-sentence of “vital to”

How to use in-sentence of “vital to”:

+ This vital to Israel and it allowed Israel to continue fighting.

+ They are vital to movement, and damage here results in damaged ability to move.

+ Hormones are vital to plant growth, and, lacking them, plants would be mostly a mass of undifferentiated cells.

+ Roosevelt, in the speech upon the signature of the ‘Roerich Pact’ Treaty, said, “In opening this Pact to the adherence of the Nations of the world, we are endeavoring to make of universal application one of the principles vital to the preservation of modern civilization.

+ The Israeli army had a total strength, including reservists, of 264,000, though this number could not be sustained, as the reservists were vital to civilian life.

+ The Shipping Forecast has long been vital to the safety of mariners on the seas around the British Isles.

+ Headshots are used in the Model modelling and acting businesses and is vital to the careers of many business and sales executives who use them on business cards, company web sites and social media sites like.

+ Unique among trades for its sole focus on large-scale commercial banking and payments issues, the Association and its Owner Banks form strong consensus positions on issues vital to the banking industry that are technically detailed and research- and data-driven.

How to use in-sentence of vital to
How to use in-sentence of vital to

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