How to use in sentence of “treaty”

How to use in-sentence of “treaty”:

– After the Ottomans lost a war with the Russian Empire they signed a peace treaty with Russia in 1774.

– It formally ceased to exist in 1922 with the ratification of the Anglo-Irish Treaty that ended the war, when 26 of the country’s 32 counties became the Irish Free State and the other six remained within the United Kingdom as Northern Ireland.

– In 1783 The treaty of Georgievsk was signed between Catherine the Great of Russia and King Heraclius II, giving Russia the power to protect Georgia.

– This regional district comprises 23 local authorities as members: 21 municipalities, one electoral area and one treaty First Nation.

– At this time Coenwulf of Mercia was king and he concluded a peace treaty with Wessex.

– In 1851, the FranceFrench made a treaty with the Dahomean King Ghezo.

– They argued they had signed the Treaty in good faith and its terms could not be changed so quickly.

– Later Persians and Afghans fought over the control of the city and Herat changed hands several times before it permanently became part of Afghanistan in 1857 under the Treaty of Paris.

How to use in sentence of treaty
How to use in sentence of treaty

Example sentences of “treaty”:

– They came under the control of Charlemagne’s grandson, Charles the Bald, as a result of the Treaty of Verdun of 843.

– In 1837, he signed the Treaty of Tafna with Marshall Bugeaud.

– The Sikhs were forced to sign the treaty with the British.

– They feared that Russia might use the treaty to gain more influence in Tibet.

– The Amazon RiverAmazon basin and some large regions nearby had been considered Spanish territory since the Treaty of Tordesillas.

– After Poland became an independent country again after the Treaty of Versailles, it had the largest Jewish population in Europe, of about 3,000,000 Jews.

– During the following 11 months, the terms of unification were negotiated between East and West Germany, France, Great Britain, The United States of America and The Soviet Union, and the Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany also called the Two Plus Four Treaty, signed by the two German states and the four wartime allies, opened the way towards reunification.

– In 1929, Nicholas Roerich, working with Paris University professor Giorge Chklaver, wrote a draft of an international treaty dedicated to protection of cultural values.

– The treaty allowed East and West German reunification into one country.

– After the war, there were a lot of problems with money in Germany because of the Treaty of VersaillesPeace Treaty of Versailles, which made Germany pay for the costs of World War I and the worldwide Great Depression.

– The treaty was ratified by Parliament on 30 December 1814.

– The treaty said that Maria Theresa of Austria was the ruler of these territories.

– The colony made a treaty with Chief Massasoit.

– Under the Treaty of Pavia, Emperor Louis IV gave the Palatinate to his brother during his stay in Italy.

– However, three days later, the people of Israel realized that they really made a treaty with Gibeon’s neighbors, the Hivites.

– This Treaty said that there would be freedom of religion in France.

– In August 1919, the Karabakh national Council entered into a provisional treaty arrangement with the Azerbaijani government in order to avoid military conflict with a superior adversary’.

– In 1435, by the Treaty of Arras treaty of Arras, it was ceded to the Duke of Burgundy.

- They came under the control of Charlemagne's grandson, Charles the Bald, as a result of the Treaty of Verdun of 843.

- In 1837, he signed the Treaty of Tafna with Marshall Bugeaud.

More in-sentence examples of “treaty”:

- In 1923 the Treaty of Lausanne put Ararat placed in the administration of Turkey.

- Within these areas, any reserve lands, treaty lands, or self-government First Nations are exempt.
- The Secretary General of NATO is an international diplomat who serves as the chief civil servant of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

– In 1923 the Treaty of Lausanne put Ararat placed in the administration of Turkey.

– Within these areas, any reserve lands, treaty lands, or self-government First Nations are exempt.

– The Secretary General of NATO is an international diplomat who serves as the chief civil servant of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

– King Ferdinand II of Aragon and Queen Isabella of Castile were the rulers of Spain at the time and together they signed this treaty in Tordesillas, Spain, which is how the treaty got its name.

– On August 24, 1821, representatives of the Spanish crown and Iturbide signed the Treaty of Córdoba, which recognized Mexican independence under the terms of the plan of Iguala.

– The European Contract of 1992 was signed in Maastricht, the so-called Treaty of Maastricht.

– The treaty bans the production of CFCs, halons as and other ozone-depleting chemicals such as carbon tetrachloride and trichloroethane.

– The Treaty had been signed by many North Island chiefs in the Bay of Islands earlier in the year on 6 February, 1840.

– According to the Oslo-Paris Treaty of 1962 it is a bit more to the west and the north though.

– The treaty formally ended the Second World War.

– His main preoccupation was how to free Germany from the burden of reparations payments to Britain and France, imposed by the Treaty of Versailles.

– Before any fighting happened, Territorial Governor Wilson Shannon made a treaty to stop the fighting.

– The treaty was proclaimed on August 3, 1796.

– The Treaty was not in effect until it was ratified by the U.S.

– On 20 March 2021, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced Turkey’s withdrawal from the treaty with a presidential decree.

– The two countries agreed this in 1964 and the treaty became law in 1967.

– He tells her the tribe’s legends, unknowingly breaking the old treaty between the werewolves and vampires.

– That treaty divided Carolingian Empire of the Franks into an East, West, and Middle.

– The treaty said that Catholic religion was to be protected, and that no changes were to be made without agreement with the Holy See.

– The treaty was cancelled in 1971 and the Trucial Sates became the independent UAE.

– Gage’s one significant departure from Amherst’s plan was to allow William Johnson to conduct a peace treaty at Niagara, giving those Native Americans who were ready to “bury the hatchet” a chance to do so.

– The Adams-Onís Treaty was a treaty between Spain and the United States of America in 1819.

– Even before the war officially ended with the Treaty of Paris, the British Crown began to implement changes in order to administer its vastly expanded North American territory.

– In 1660, the Treaty of Copenhagen forced Sweden to give Bornholm and Trøndelag back to Denmark–Norway.

– This was a sign that Germany was quickly becoming a “normal” state and assured the Soviet Union of Germany’s sincerity in the Treaty of Berlin.

– In 1820, Bahrain made a treaty with the United Kingdom.

– Eastern Francia was the land of Louis the German after the Treaty of Verdun of 843.

– The terms of the Treaty of Versailles were announced in May and, in June, Germany was forced to sign the contract.

– There is a lot of confusion about the Treaty of Waitangi because Articles 1 and 2 in the treaty say different things.

– But the full agreements reached in 1915 in the Treaty of London were not respected by the Allies, because of the opposition from US president Woodrow Wilson.

– In 1957, the European Economic Community was set up by the Treaty of Rome.

– It is also known as the First Treaty of London, the Convention of 1839, and the London Treaty of Separation.

– The United States Congress ratified the treaty in 1878.

– The Italo-Croatian minorities treaty recognizes the “Italian Union” as the political party officially representing the CNI in Croatia.

– This treaty was needed because the Netherlands would not sign the 1831 ‘Treaty of the XXIV Articles’.

– Members of this expedition and later ones seemed to do so, but no official claims were made before 1959, when the Antarctic Treaty System was set up.

– They did not kill Corbitant but because the colonist were willing to fight, if necessary, nine other leaders, and Corbitant, signed a treaty with the leaders of Plymouth.

– The war ended in 1953, but no peace treaty was signed.

– The treaty allowed certain Hawaiian goods, mainly sugar and rice, to come into the United States tax-free.

– He also served as the primary German negotiator in the Maastricht Treaty negotiations.

– The waters of the Ravi river are allocated to India under the Indus Waters Treaty between India and Pakistan and the resulting Indus Basin Project.

– Her personal support is said to have been a significant factor in encouraging Britain and then other countries to support the Ottawa Treaty which sought to introduce a ban on the use of anti-personnel landmines.

– Unknown by both sides, a peace treaty had already been signed.

– They signed the Batman Treaty with one of the founders of Melbourne, John Batman, in 1835.

– However, Archadia’s ruler wanted him dead as soon as the treaty was signed.

– A treaty with France provides navy protection for territorial waters.

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