How to use in-sentence of “toxic”

How to use in-sentence of “toxic”:

+ It is toxic and has a garlic-like odor.

+ The emperor newt is a highly toxic newt.

+ Acorns contain tannins, which are toxic to some animals such as horses.

+ If a predator is not scared away by the smell they produce some kind of toxic secretion from their elbows.

+ Most anti-cancer drugs have a narrow therapeutic margin; toxic side-effects are almost always encountered at doses needed to kill tumours.

+ It is also toxic because of barium ions.

+ It is toxic in large amounts.

+ If hyperglycemia gets worse or is not treated, it can cause toxic acids called ketones to build up in the blood and urine.

How to use in-sentence of toxic
How to use in-sentence of toxic

Example sentences of “toxic”:

+ It is very toxic and ignites easily, burning with a very hot flame.

+ However, ozone is toxic to animals and plants above concentrations of about 0.1 ppm.

+ It replaced the even more toxic Paris Green.

+ It reacts with acids to make other toxic thallium compounds.

+ A big advantage over nuclear fission, which is used in today’s nuclear power stations, is that it makes less nuclear waste and does not use a toxic and rare fuel like uranium.

+ Less toxic substances are labeled “harmful”, “irritant”, or not labeled at all.

+ If the reason that they have toxic shock syndrome is because of tampon use, doctors will make sure that they take the tampon out.

+ It is very toxic and corrosive.

+ Many potentially toxic chemicals adhere to tiny particles which are then taken up by plankton and benthos animals, most of which are either deposit or filter feeders.

+ Many chemicals are made toxic in the liver by enzymes, for example paracetamol, which is a common drug.

+ Once people saw how toxic arsenic was, they stopped using it to preserve wood.

+ When purified, strychnine is a very toxic colorless crystalline alkaloid.

+ Substances which are poisonous are called toxic, but any substance can be toxic if too much of it is consumed.

+ The term is sometimes used for any toxic metal, or metalloid such as arsenic, Kumar, Abbas Aster 2013, p.276 regardless of density.

+ It is very toxic and ignites easily, burning with a very hot flame.

+ However, ozone is toxic to animals and plants above concentrations of about 0.1 ppm.
+ It replaced the even more toxic Paris Green.

More in-sentence examples of “toxic”:

+ A central idea in toxicology is that almost everything is toxic when taken to excess.

+ There are a number of predators which eat toxic animals.

+ When hydrochloric acid is mixed with certain chemicals such as bleach, the toxic gas chlorine is made.

+ It is toxic, but not as toxic as mercury chloride because it does not dissolve in water.

+ The autopsy results showed that Bigelow’s death was due to multiple drugs found in his system including toxic levels of cocaine and an anti-anxiety drug.

+ Irrigation water itself can carry salt and sometimes other toxic materials that hurt the plants.

+ Protactinium is both toxic and highly radioactive.

+ Cadmium is a highly toxic metal.

+ After penetration, the toxic content of the nematocyst is injected into the target.

+ It can react with many toxic chemicals to oxidize them, so they are not toxic any more.

+ Bubbling to the surface from hot springs is one of nature’s most toxic gases; Hydrogen Sulfide.

+ It is the most toxic allotrope.

+ In waste water treatment, it is used to get rid of hydrogen sulfide, a stinky toxic gas.

+ On February 12, the toxic water flowed into the Danube, which receives water from the Tisza, carrying its impact into Hungary and Serbia, as well.

+ The warty skin of toads is an adaptation for making their toxic slime.

+ In addition to air pollution, burning coal produces toxic coal ash, which can cause water pollution if it is accidentally released into the environment.

+ Long-term exposure has proven toxic to a very wide range of animals including humans.

+ Arsenic trisulfide can oxidize on the surface to make a highly toxic layer of arsenic trioxide as well.

+ The chemical will stay in their body longer, and have more toxic effects.

+ Burning coal releases toxic chemicals, including soot, Mercury mercury, and carbon monoxide, which contribute to diseases such as cancer and asthma in both humans and wild animals.

+ Thallium and its compounds are rare because they are toxic and polluting.

+ They are toxic hazards.

+ Around three hundred German pilots received training at “Lipetsk”, some tank training took place near “Kazan” and toxic gas was developed at “Saratov” for the German army.

+ Their major toxic mechanism is the inhibition of RNA polymeraseRNA polymerase II, a vital enzyme in the synthesis of messenger RNA.

+ They influence Cell growthgrowth during and after physical activity, immunity after the intake of toxic compounds and pathogens.

+ Potassium arsenate was once used for medicine but is too toxic to be used now.

+ They contain toxic lead, though, and should be recycled.

+ Iron is toxic when large amounts are taken into the body.

+ It is toxic and should not be handled without proper training.

+ It was the main toxic material involved in the Bhopal disaster.

+ Other groups include phytoplankton which produce the toxic algal blooms.

+ White blood cells also help to fight other toxic substances.

+ White phosphorus is toxic to humans.

+ It was used as a “medicine”, but it is carcinogenic and toxic so it is not used anymore.

+ The study evaluated the degree to which toxic products were released, looking at toxicity, time-release profiles, and lethality of doses released, in a range of flaming, non-flaming, and poorly ventilated fires, and concluded that PIR generally released a considerably higher level of toxic products than the other insulating materials studied.

+ Most of the toxic cardenolides that make queens so unpalatable to its predators are sequestered from larval host plants.

+ It is a strong oxidizing agent and a toxic carcinogen.

+ It is a toxic chemical; breathing the substance causes dizziness, headache and nausea.

+ Aldrin is not toxic to insects; it is oxidized in the insect to form dieldrin which is the active compound.

+ It also makes toxic flammable gases when reacted with acids.

+ Potassium compounds are not normally dangerous, unless they contain a toxic anion like chromate or chlorate.

+ Another reason why it was decided to build Angara is because Russia needed a rocket which does not use toxic fuels, like some current rockets do.

+ The ability to detect bitter-tasting, toxic compounds at low thresholds may have a protective function, but some test have not confirmed this.

+ These underground fires release toxic smoke into the air, and can also cause the ground above to collapse.

+ Colloidal silver, a common homeopathic remedy, is not toxic in normal amounts, but it does not do much.

+ A central idea in toxicology is that almost everything is toxic when taken to excess.

+ There are a number of predators which eat toxic animals.

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