How to use in-sentence of “ticketing”

How to use in-sentence of “ticketing”:

+ It is the first above-ground station to have platforms on a lower level than the station control room, fare gates and ticketing machines.

+ One end joins to a ticketing and baggage claim area.

+ The exits will be equipped with fare gates and ticketing machines.

+ Exhibition Loop can also have station-like status during major events; at such times ticketing booths are used at its entrance, and thus its fence-enclosed streetcar platform becomes a fare-paid area.

+ The exits are equipped with fare gates and ticketing machines, whereas the exit numbers are divided into 1 and 2 respectively.

+ The Oyster card is a form of electronic ticketing used on public transport services within London.

+ Through ticketing is allowed between the two stations.

How to use in-sentence of ticketing
How to use in-sentence of ticketing

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