How to use in sentence of “thin”

How to use in-sentence of “thin”:

+ Here, the target was placed on a thin titanium film.

+ Some players goldgold plate their brass mouthpieces, covering them with a thin layer of gold.

+ The underside is off-white and the neck has a thin stripe with black which extends to the sides of the head.

+ The ink is inside a long, thin tube inside the pen.

+ The GMAW welding process uses a thin wire on a rotating spool, as a continuous electrode.

+ Dew is a thin film of water that has condensed on the surface of objects near the ground in the morning or evening.

How to use in sentence of thin
How to use in sentence of thin

Example sentences of “thin”:

+ She also played Stella in “Shadow of the Thin Man”.

+ Plastic wrap is a thin plastic material.

+ It may also refer to foods using many thin layers of dough, usually with many different ingredients in between.

+ It usually has four pairs of long, thin legs attached to the abdomen.

+ England had coarse limestone, red sandstone and dark green Purbeck marble which was often used for architectural decorations like thin columns.

+ One common type of bougainvillea has a climbing stem that sometimes reaches a length of 100’s has a nickname the “paper flower ” due to it’s to thin and papery bracts.

+ These Chemical precipitationprecipitated out, forming a thin layer on the substrate, which may have been anoxic mud.

+ It has the structure of a thin cracker and is lifted out and every person is given a bit.

+ She also played Stella in "Shadow of the Thin Man".

+ Plastic wrap is a thin plastic material.
+ It may also refer to foods using many thin layers of dough, usually with many different ingredients in between.

+ It has thin name because there are many small mountains which came to existence in the last ice age.

+ A thin veneer of mainly Phanerozoic sedimentary basins cover much of the Australian landmass.

+ A thin film of lubricant put between the surfaces reduces friction and wear on the surfaces, and keeps temperatures from rising too far.

+ They usually have long thin bodies, with segmented antennae.

+ The wolf saw how thin and well made Gleipnir was and thought it was a trick.

+ Another famous food is ‘makguksu.’ ‘Makguksu’ is thin buckwheat noodles served in a cold beef broth with sesame seeds, sliced beef, cucumber, and spicy sauce.

More in-sentence examples of “thin”:

+ Their skin is thin and soft with shiny hair.

+ Liquid is put into the top and travels down the tube and comes out the thin end of the tube in small drips which can be used anywhere.

+ Their skin is thin and soft with shiny hair.

+ Liquid is put into the top and travels down the tube and comes out the thin end of the tube in small drips which can be used anywhere.

+ The thin red line is 0°C, the point of freezing, for orientation.

+ Above the chair is a window which is made not from glass but thin translucent stone called alabaster.

+ Haematoxylin and eosin staining is often used in histology for thin sections of tissue.

+ The copper in the thick plate dissolves and plates on the thin plate.

+ The government created laws to stop people from wearing lots of robes at once, and starting with the Muromachi period, women and men began to wear the “kosode” by itself or with two or three layers, with a small, thin belt called an obi, and for women, red “hakama” trousers.

+ The species are most often found in thin woods and in granite and limestone soils.

+ If a parameter is supplied, it will return that parameter prefixed and suffixed by a thin space.

+ The sound-detecting device has a thin plastic sheet on one side and a bell shape with a hole in on the other.

+ Protoplanetary disks are thought to be thin structures.

+ The maned wolf has long, thin legs and thick reddish fur.

+ Of course, this rule does is “not” perfect – for instance, even though grasshoppers “usually” have short, thick antennae, the long-horned grasshopper has long, thin antennae like a cricket.

+ The mucous is normally a thin film which lines the airways.

+ A polar bear can crawl across ice too thin for a human to walk on.

+ Their tentacles are long and thin and covered in venomous stinging cells.

+ She told her people to cut the skin into very thin strips.

+ These planes or weakened areas allow the intrusion of a thin sheet-like body of magma paralleling the existing strata.

+ The observable atmospheres of all these planets are quite thin compared to their radii, only extending perhaps one percent of the way to the center.

+ The dog must be neither too thin or too fat for its size.

+ Shell is globular, not presenting short spire, there are 2 to 3 turns, the outer lip is thin and sharp, columellar area is polished and has a broad wall fell.

+ It is held in a thin long cylinder inside the pen.

+ It is made of two very thin pieces of plastic glued together, with many small round air bubbles left inside.

+ I have noticed we are desperately thin on Oversighters.

+ Dodder can be identified by its thin stems.

+ The tall canopy trees must be able to reach the sunlight high in the air and still get nutrients from the thin soil on the forest floor.

+ The paint must be put on in thin layers with tiny brush strokes that dry very quickly.

+ Rhea may have a thin ring system with three narrow bands in a disk of solid particles.

+ Some English books do have these spaces, but are often a very thin space, which are not full spaces but an attempt to make the words easier to read.

+ Adams was the subject of “The Thin Blue Line The Thin Blue Line”, an Errol Morris documentary movie.

+ Wear mosquito repellent Mosquitoes will bite through thin cloth.

+ Now small balloons are made from a thin and stretchy material like rubber or plastic.

+ Tights come in thin and thick options.

+ There is a thin papery outer shell and small black seeds.

+ The male regurgitates a long, thin strand of saliva from Glandglands under its tongue.

+ Blagojevich finished strongly in Southern Illinois, winning 55% of the primary vote downstate, enough to win a primary victory by a thin margin.

+ Although it is mainly called “pancake” in the English speaking countries and it is thin dough, in Mexico, it is called “hotcake” and it is often thick dough.

+ A fret is a thin strip of varying materials found on string instruments.

+ Potato chips are thin slices of potato that have been baked or fried and lightly salted or seasoned.

+ Triton, Neptune’s largest moon, has an atmosphere, but it is so thin that its sky is still black, possibly with some pale haze at the horizon.

+ The Great Wall is like a long, thin line filament: it is over 500 million light-years long, 300 million light-years wide, but only 15 million light-years thick.

+ This template takes one parameter, which is the text to be wrapped by two thin spaces.

+ Wire is a long, thin and flexible piece of metal.

+ It had vascular tissue, but the cells had thin walls.

+ It is usually only easy to see on humans, and is a thin line on many other mammals.

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