How to use in sentence of “they say”

How to use in-sentence of “they say”:

+ Secular as well as some Christian observers have also criticized prosperity theology: They say it exploits the poor.

+ In 2009, University of Arizona researchers performed radiocarbon dating on the manuscript’s vellum, which they say was made between 1404 and 1438.

+ Therefore they say that it may be threatened.

+ New York needs to be moved to New York needs to then be moved to New York, per the enwiki and the fact that the state is not what people usually mean when they say “New York”.

+ She says: “As people they think what I am doing is good, but as teachers they say I should stop.” A teacher who supports her said: “Greta is a troublemaker, she is not listening to adults.

+ Although many Japanese people sleep in a bed, they say “I sleep on futon”; it means to go to bed.

+ Each of these is like the federal Constitution because they say how each state’s government is set up, but some also talk about specific laws.

+ As they say in many places, Peace.

How to use in sentence of they say
How to use in sentence of they say

Example sentences of “they say”:

+ In psychology, they say betrayal is the breaking of a social related things.

+ When they are not praying or reading the Torah, they say "Hashem" or "Elokim".
+ Other times, they say the same words in a different way using different vowel sounds from 'proper' English.

+ In psychology, they say betrayal is the breaking of a social related things.

+ When they are not praying or reading the Torah, they say “Hashem” or “Elokim”.

+ Other times, they say the same words in a different way using different vowel sounds from ‘proper’ English.

+ Many Amish do not allow posing for photographs; they say it is against their sense of humility and not standing out from the others.

+ In Marge and Homer’s bedroom, they say good night to each other thinking they must be the best parents ever.

+ Some of the nursing homes took the COVID-19 patients because state governments asked them to and they say they sent their elderly residents away because they were worried they would catch COVID-19 from the sick patients.

+ What people mean when they say “Scandinavia” depends on what they think is important at the time.

+ Baumeister argues that the common explanations of violence and cruelty are not helpful because they say that the victim was innocent.

+ People living in eight Thai provinces along the Mekong River are suing state agencies because they say that there wasn’t enough public participation in planning for the Pak Beng hydropower dam, which is being built by Laos.

+ When they say “aerosol” most people mean an aerosol spray can or the spray it makes.

+ Often this person can get others to believe what they say about what is right, without making any special effort to be fair to other views.

+ So, this is why people have to care about what they say on the internet.

+ A notary does this to help stop fraud and to help a person prove that they are who they say they are.

+ Rosa and Edwin talk and they say they both don’t want to get married anymore.

+ For example, they say that the United States has a rape culture.

+ People can use the system safely without revealing their real-life identity to other users of the system, but there is no way to know that the person they communicate with is the one they say they are.

+ When people want to talk about history and what languages people speak, they say Iceland is part of Scandinavia but Finland isn’t.

+ Some people who live in Seattle are suing the city because they say they should move people out of the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.

+ After they say yes, Dent says that he is Batman and has the police arrest him.

More in-sentence examples of “they say”:

+ At all, they say what already is mentioned in the heading.

+ From what they say Alberich learns that the gold they are guarding has magic powers.

+ On the 2nd sentence of the early life section in the nelson Mandela article they say “He had thirteen siblings by the same father, and two mothers.” while the cited source for that sentence states that nelson Mandela’s dad had 13 children including Nelson Mandela and using the word siblings says that there’s 13 children not including Nelson Mandela.

+ Scientists believe that the penetrometer may have landed on a large pebble, and they say that the surface is similar to sand made of ice.

+ Most often it would be only required to say that the checkuser has been confirmed as the same person, or that the user is from the location they say they are from.

+ They say that spanking is not a good way to help children learn how to behaviorbehave.  They say that it can easily injure a small child.

+ The latter are two are exactly what they say they are: the “local” day and time, and labeled as such in the display.

+ Who are these people? When, where, and why did they say that? What kind of bias might they have? How many is “some”? If you consider the different answers these questions might have, you can see how meaningless the “some people say” qualification is.

+ To be “merchantable”, the goods must reasonably conform to an ordinary buyer’s expectations, i.e., they are what they say they are.

+ It made the Taiwanese government angry because they say that Taiwan and Sun Moon Lake is not part of the People’s Republic of China.

+ Many of the other books they say are written by Ezra are written after that.

+ As they say in old Bengali proverb – “”bangalir baro mase tero parbon””, people are very passionate about all traditional Bengali festivals.

+ In 2016, the Nature Conservancy bought the land, and they say they will open the area to the public.

+ In either case, participants are united in opposition to the political power of large corporations, as exercised in trade agreements and elsewhere, which they say destroys the natural environmentenvironment, human rights, labor rights for worker, national sovereignty, the third world, and more.

+ If they say yes, the suspects are given a trial.

+ This warning tells the person who has been arrested that they can be silent, can have a counsel with them, and warns them that whatever they say can be used against them.

+ People can also comment with a quick exclamation after they say something.

+ When asking for directions, if one says “Walk one kilometer towards the North”, that would be a vector, but if they say “Walk one kilometer”, without showing a direction, then that would be a scalar.

+ The other cows in the field, who are black and white, do not believe her, so they say “she’s off again.” Blue Cow then rides in a red double decker bus, which takes her to a place where she finds out the answer to what she is wondering about.

+ If they say no, the suspects are set free.

+ When Indian people talk about cooking and they say “masala”, they mean a mixture of ground spices used in Indian cooking.

+ Corruption could be a government doing what they say is good, but instead oppressionoppress people, or an official doing something wrong.

+ Kings, clergy and celebrities are also among the influential, as people pay attention to what they say or do.

+ Google expects Google Instant to save users 2 to 5seconds in every search, which they say will be collectively 11 million seconds per hour.

+ In the law, if someone else has a copyright on something, no one is allowed to create a derivative work unless they say it is allowed.

+ On 24 April 2015, the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that while they consider the affair a trivial matter, the “new state” does not infringe upon the Serbian border, which they say is the Danube River.

+ Their love of money is glaringly obvious in what they say as well as how they live.

+ For example, they say some roads and places to sleep have not been repaired as needed.

+ Then they say what they claim is on the back row.

+ As the second prophecy they say he can’t be killed by anyone who was born of a woman and as the third prophecy the witches say if Birnam Wood stays at its current position Macbeth is okay but if the wood moves he will have problems.

+ After they say goodbye to him, Madame Flora “suddenly, with a loud gasp…

+ So they say what Chavez wants them to say…

+ Leaders from other Christian novements have critiziced prosperity theology: They say that it is irresponsible, promotes idolatry, and is contrary to scripture.

+ Scientists have not seen many of this frog, but they say it is large, 7.8 cm long.

+ Mostly, when people want to talk about about maps, natural land formations and how the economy works, they say Finland is part of Scandinavia but Iceland isn’t.

+ When mathematicians talk about the graph associated with the problem, they say that is not planar.

+ Finntroll’s lyrics are in Swedish, one of Finland’s two national languages, because they say “Swedish just sounds damn trollish”.

+ The MtvU#Woodie AwardsMTVu Woodie Awards were established in 2005 by MTV, which they say recognizes the music voted best by college students.

+ Sunni Islam does not recognize Nikah Mut’a; they say it is a legitimisation of prostitution.

+ Buddhists understand the idea of an eternal soul, and the idea of simple annihilation as delusion; they say that there is no unchanging, permanent self, soul or essence in phenomena.

+ Farrell and McClane send a picture of Gabriel to the FBI, where they say that Gabriel was hired by them.

+ There was a documentary called “Outfoxed” that criticized the channel because they say it is biased towards conservatives and the US Republican Party in its reporting.

+ At many funerals, they say a prayer for the dead so that his or her soul may rest in peace and have a good time in the afterlife.

+ Most scientists believe that the Loch Ness Monster is not real, and they say that many of the seeings are either hoaxes or pictures of other mistaken existing animals.

+ When they say “town” people are normally thinking of a big, important place.

+ At all, they say what already is mentioned in the heading.

+ From what they say Alberich learns that the gold they are guarding has magic powers.

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