How to use in sentence of “than”

How to use in-sentence of “than”:

– In 2000, the first passive house followed with direct heating and heat recovery and in 2006 the plus energy house, which gains more energy than it needs.

– The quantum energy of different photons is often used in cameras, and other machines that use visible and higher than visible radiation.

– In adults, it refers to heart rates higher than 100 beats per minute.

– Its library has more than two million volumes.

– He tells more about the Virgin birth of Jesus than the other gospel writers.

– It has more than 250 species in 19 genera.

How to use in sentence of than
How to use in sentence of than

Example sentences of “than”:

– This means less than 1 in every 100 reports of rape led to a conviction.

– As of August 25, 2013, The Piano Guys’ YouTube channel has more than 263 million video views altogether, and more than 1.8 million subscribers.

– The west of Auckland is slightly wetter and cooler than the eastern side, with the gulf islands being warmer and drier still.

– In fact it is far more ancient than human language, and interpreting its meaning is mostly done by the unconscious mind.

– They formed in 1977 and have sold more than 120 million albums worldwide and also won three Grammy Awards.

– Thus undergraduate studies + the Mines Programme account for more than a cumulated 300 ECTS credits as applicable in the European education system.

– People need more than 20 to 35% of daily calories from fat.

- This means less than 1 in every 100 reports of rape led to a conviction.

- As of August 25, 2013, The Piano Guys' YouTube channel has more than 263 million video views altogether, and more than 1.8 million subscribers.

– Associate producers with less than three years experience earn $43,000.

– Brambleclaw realizes that he is more loyal to Firestar than to his half-brother, and he kills Hawkfrost to save his leader.

– Because it has few natural resources, Israel imports more goods than it exports.

– New Zealand has more species of flightless birds than any other country.

More in-sentence examples of “than”:

– Gilgi-Baltistan is home to five of the “eight-thousanders” and to more than fifty peaks above 7000 meters.

– Bigpoint has a portfolio of more than 40 games translated into 20 languages, with the two largest being with approximately 15.7 million registered users and with approximately 14.2 million registered users.

– They have longer shelf life and are more durable than the lithium-ion battery, but are not as powerful for their size, although the best Ni-MH batteries are very close.

– Having lost every major battles and much territory, and with the Chinese government under Chiang Kai-shek more concerned with fighting the Chinese Communist Party than the Japanese, the Chinese government agreed to all demands.

– Nausea is a symptom, rather than an illness or disease.

– They have different markings than either of their family members.

– Since the publication of his first book in 1959, Bloom has written more than forty books, Bloom’s books have been translated into more than 40languages.

– When all the constituent monosaccharides are of the same type they are termed “homopolysaccharides”; when more than one type of monosaccharide is present they are termed “heteropolysaccharides”.

– However, that method is more expensive than the industryindustrial way to produce hydrogen fuel from natural gas.

– Some Brotherhood members can later become “Vigil Members”, but usually, no more than one out of every fifty people in a Lodge can become Vigil Members.

– Some require more light to be exposed than others.

– This is because the investors all expect more money than they invested, and they will get impatient.

– She flew more than 21,000 flight hours and performed more than 3,000 check rides and evaluations over her career.

– The program is divided into three “Divisions” rather than four years, and students complete each Division as they show that they are capable of harder work.

– Below, in the brine, the number of cells is much lower than in the halocline.

– Population density has been calculated using the land area rather than the total area.

– Material which is doubtful and harmful may be removed quickly, rather than tagged.

– When a word has more than one syllable, some syllables are usually given more emphasis than others when the word is spoken.

– It is Bicameralismbicameral with two houses: the Rajya Sabha.The Rajya Sabha is also known as the Upper house and the Lok Sabha is known as the lower house.But this does not mean that Lok Sabha is less powerful than Rajya Sabha.In fact,the Lok Sabha is much more powerful than the Rajya Sabha.

– A non-renewable resource is a natural resource that is used up faster than it can be made by nature.

– Many of the dead were boys younger than 16.

– They were less powerful than later Rocket-propelled grenades.

– EEG studies showed lower than normal activity in the fusiform face area, a brain region that is usually active when seeing faces.

– He noticed that operating speeds were 40% faster from England to Denmark than the other way round, and in 1871 he found a fault in the telegraph cable from England to Denmark.

- Gilgi-Baltistan is home to five of the "eight-thousanders" and to more than fifty peaks above 7000 meters.

- Bigpoint has a portfolio of more than 40 games translated into 20 languages, with the two largest being with approximately 15.7 million registered users and with approximately 14.2 million registered users.
- They have longer shelf life and are more durable than the lithium-ion battery, but are not as powerful for their size, although the best Ni-MH batteries are very close.

– The Odontoceti includes all the whales which eat prey larger than plankton.

– After installing its first coaster in 1990, they have now installed more than 100 rollercoasters across the globe.

– Yumplatok is spoken on the islands more than the other languages.

– These locks are more difficult to pick than warded locks and are picked by putting tension on the keyhole and pushing the pins or wafers up individually until they reach the shear line.

– In fact, FIFA has more members than the United Nations.

– If there are more variables than just x and y, then it is said to be a partial differential equation.

– The traditional process used in these operations is vacuum distillation — essentially the boiling of water at less than atmospheric pressure, and thus a much lower temperature than normal.

– For more than 50 years, the Arecibo Observatory had the world’s largest single telescope until the Five hundred meter Aperture Spherical Telescope in China was built in 2016.

– They have mass that is much smaller than the young star in the center.

– On 7 August, the Regiment, with fewer than 900 men, went to Bekios bay on Bosporus.

– It would normally meet in London and the first meeting was to take place no later than 1 September 1945.

– Seen from Enceladus, Saturn would have a visible diameter sixty times more than the Moon visible from Earth.

– More than 5,000 people in the United States died from this heat wave.

– They feel emotions in a stronger way than most people – grief instead of sadness, rage instead of being annoyed, and panic instead of being anxious.

– The shift key is also used to type with keys that have more than one symbol on them, such as the number keys and those for punctuation marks.

– All had more than 30 years employment with Trans World Airlines.

– Early theories suggested that an object less than 0.09 solar masses would never go through normal stellar evolution.

– Plural ignorance may partially explain why people are more likely to intervene in an emergency situation when alone than when other persons are present.

– Other drums that are used in orchestras and bands make a sound rather than a note, and are not tuned.

– They can survive in more places than moss, but not so many as flowering plants.

– Many cacti do photosynthesis in succulent stems, rather than leaves.

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