How to use in-sentence of “synthesis”

How to use in-sentence of “synthesis”:

– This cline is an example of a “ring species”.Some of Huxley’s last contributions to the evolutionary synthesis were on the subject of ecological genetics.

– Each step of a synthesis involves a chemical reaction, and reagents and conditions for each of these reactions need to be designed to give a good yield and a pure product, with as little work as possible.

– In fact, some very important reactions are actually “unfavorable”; one such example is the synthesis of ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen gas, which has a rather small equilibrium constant.

– Many laboratory methods exist for the organic synthesis of arenes from non-arene precursors.

– Phylogeny, classification and floral evolution of water lilies : a synthesis of non-molecular, rbcL, matK, and 18S rDNA Data.

– B is normally involved in the metabolism of every cell cell of the human body, especially DNA synthesis and regulation, but also fatty acid and amino acid metabolism.

– At the time, he was working on the synthesis of an antibiotic, erythromycin.

How to use in-sentence of synthesis
How to use in-sentence of synthesis

Example sentences of “synthesis”:

– Dobzhansky was important in the modern evolutionary synthesis, which was the synthesis of evolutionary biology with genetics.

– This work, more than any other, convinced organic chemists that the synthesis of any complex substance was possible, given enough time and planning.

– Modern perfumery began in the late 19th century with the commercial synthesis of aroma compounds such as vanillin or coumarin.

– Hydrogen required for ammonia synthesis could also be produced economically using other sources like coal or coke gasification, less economically from the electrolysis of water into oxygen + hydrogen and other alternatives that are presently impractical for large scale production.

– In Angiosperms, the last step in the synthesis of chlorophyll is light-dependent.

– Hemoglobin synthesis When hemoglobin is in the lungs, it picks up oxygen in its hemes, and carries it to the rest of the body.

– UNESCO catalogued Schönbrunn Palace on the World Heritage List in 1996, together with its gardens, as a remarkable Baroque ensemble and example of synthesis of the arts.

– Many specialized dienes have been developed to exploit this reactivity for the synthesis of natural products.

– The synthesis was a breakthrough, as quinine was hard to get from Japanese occupied southeast Asia.

– The game came with the Intellivoice voice synthesis module, which is used to tell the player what enemies are doing off-screen.

– Costin Neniţescu found new methods for the synthesis of pirilium salts, of carbenes, tryptamine, serotonin, two new syntheses for the indole nucleus, and a new method of polymerisation of ethylene.

– So, the synthesis of organic compounds has developed into one of the most important parts of organic chemistry.

– If a chemical synthesis starts from basic laboratory compounds and yields something new, it is a “purely synthetic process”.

– The 2016 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Fraser Stoddart and Ben Feringa for the design and synthesis of molecular machines.

- Dobzhansky was important in the modern evolutionary synthesis, which was the synthesis of evolutionary biology with genetics.

- This work, more than any other, convinced organic chemists that the synthesis of any complex substance was possible, given enough time and planning.

More in-sentence examples of “synthesis”:

- He was responsible for the first planned stereo-controlled synthesis as well as the first natural product to be synthesized with high stereo-selectivity.

- Some scientists have suggested special conditions which could make cell synthesis easier.
- Although different from each other, DNA damages and mutations are related because DNA damages often cause errors of DNA synthesis during replication or repair; these errors are a major source of mutation.

– He was responsible for the first planned stereo-controlled synthesis as well as the first natural product to be synthesized with high stereo-selectivity.

– Some scientists have suggested special conditions which could make cell synthesis easier.

– Although different from each other, DNA damages and mutations are related because DNA damages often cause errors of DNA synthesis during replication or repair; these errors are a major source of mutation.

– The total synthesis of a complex product may take many steps to reach the goal product.

– Eukaryotes have various RNAPs in their nuclei, each to synthesis a type of RNA.

– Their study gives clues about the origin and age of the Solar System, the synthesis of organic compounds, the Abiogenesisorigin of life or the presence of water on Earth.

– Woodward’s synthesis of quinine was the first of many of his very complicated and elegant syntheses.

– The terms were used as part of the synthesis by Simpson G.G.

– Organic synthesis is a special part of chemical synthesis.

– There is no doubt, however, that the synthesis was a great landmark in evolutionary biology.

– Most times, chemical synthesis means the overall, many step procedure for making a desired product.

– Within the modern evolutionary synthesis school of thought, macroevolution is thought of as the compounded effects of microevolution.

– Initially, he started work with the theoretical physicist Edward Teller on synthesis of elements.

– His 1872 Erlangen Program, which ate geometries by their underlying symmetry groups, was a hugely influential synthesis of much of the mathematics of the day.

– Sheehan at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology did the first chemical synthesis of penicillin in 1957.

– Anhydrous aluminium chloride is used as a catalyst in chemical and petrochemical industries, the dyeing industry, and in synthesis of many inorganic and organic compounds.

– In a remarkable collaboration with his colleague Albert Eschenmoser in Zurich, a team of almost one hundred students and postdoctoral workers worked for many years on the synthesis of this molecule.

– Key biologists who contributed work to the synthesis included: Julian Huxley, Theodosius Dobzhansky, Ernst Mayr, Ronald Fisher, J.B.S.

– A large photoinduced hydrogen sigmatropic shift was utilized in a corrin synthesis performed by Albert Eschenmoser containing a 16π system.

– His work contributed to the rapid acceptance of the synthesis in Germany.

– Sociobiology: a new synthesis and an old quarrel.

– Normal Transcription transcription involves the synthesis of RNA from DNA; reverse transcription is the “reverse” of this.

– This idea was first questioned after the “a”biotic synthesis of urea by Friedrich Wöhler in 1828.

– Summa Theologica is an ambitious synthesis of Greek philosophy and Christian doctrine.

– This would be a synthesis of published material to advance a new position, which is original research.

– However, as of 2006, no other total synthesis of Vitamin B has been published.

– Woodward won the Nobel Prize in 1965 for his synthesis of complex organic molecules.

– In 1944 Woodward and William von Eggers Doering reported the synthesis of the alkaloid quinine, used to treat malaria.

– The work involves a synthesis of field research, taxonomy, and laboratory genetics.

– The modern synthesis brought Darwin’s idea up to date.

– Their major toxic mechanism is the inhibition of RNA polymeraseRNA polymerase II, a vital enzyme in the synthesis of messenger RNA.

– We researched readers and consulted more than 150 expertsNew Voices synthesis report.

– The pigment may signal bad taste, since anthocyanin synthesis often comes with unpalatable phenolic compounds.

– Testing of the hypothesis was delayed because the synthesis of Compound E was costly and time-consuming, and Hench served in the military during World War II.

– In the synthesis of the nucleic acid RNA, ATP is one of the four nucleotides incorporated directly into RNA molecules by RNA polymerases.

– Turco-Mongol or Turko-Mongol tradition, was a cultural synthesis that emerged between the Mongol and Turkic rulers in the early twentieth century.

– Woodward’s studies were about the synthesis of the female sex hormone estrone, a natural type of estrogen.

– A total synthesis is the complete chemical synthesis of complex Organic compoundorganic natural precursors.

– The poem is a synthesis of different Greek stories and traditions.

– When it was first suggested in 1956, Marija Gimbutas’s answer to the question of Indo-European origins was a pioneering interdisciplinary synthesis of archaeology and linguistics.

– It was the book which gave the modern evolutionary synthesis its name, and was one of the most important books on biology in the mid-twentieth century.

– It can be formed from the synthesis of hexachloro-1,3-cyclopentadiene with norbornadiene in a Diels-Alder reaction, followed by epoxidation of the norbornene ring.

– Otto studied the synthesis of cross-linking hydrophilous gels.

– In: The Mountain Pine Beetle: A Synthesis of Biology, Management and Impacts on Lodgepole Pine 3– 66.

– This consensus is supported by various studies of scientists’ opinions and by position statements of scientific organizations, many of which explicitly agree with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change synthesis reports.

– In his Nobel lecture, he described the total synthesis of the antibiotic cephalosporin, and claimed that he had pushed the synthesis schedule so that it would be completed around the time of the Nobel ceremony.

– It is a protein synthesis inhibitor.

– Genentech’s approach to the first synthesis of insulin beat Walter Gilbert’s approach at Biogen which used genes from natural sources.

– Discovery of genes involved with learning and memory: An experimental synthesis of Hirschian and Benzerian perspectives.

– In 1977, Boyer’s laboratory and collaborators described the first-ever synthesis and expression of a peptide-coding gene.

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