How to use in sentence of “stem cells”

How to use in-sentence of “stem cells”:

+ Embryonic stem cells are stem cells taken from the inner cell mass of the early stage embryo called a “blastocyst”.

+ Shoa, cardiac surgerycardiac surgeon and one of the first people to work with adult stem cells for heart disease.

+ During morphogenesis, generalised stem cells become the cell lines of the embryo which in turn become fully differentiated cells.

+ The monocytes are formed from stem cells in the bone marrow.

+ It is also the place where insulin and stem cells were first found.

+ In development, embryonic stem cells can turn into any tissue.

How to use in sentence of stem cells
How to use in sentence of stem cells

Example sentences of “stem cells”:

+ Reichert investigated the role of Neurogenesisneural stem cells in the development of the brain using the fruit fly Drosophila as a model.

+ To produce sex cells, the stem cells go through a different division process called meiosis.

+ He discovered a molecular production program followed by stem cells as they develop in the brain.

+ Adult stem cells exist throughout body after embryonic development has completed.

+ The first amniotic stem cells bank in the US is active in Boston, Massachusetts.

+ On December 6, 2005, Ho had his own stem cells put into his heart by Amit Patel and his other Medical doctordoctors in Thailand.

+ If so, embryonic stem cells are genetically transformed and inserted into early embryos.

+ Reichert investigated the role of Neurogenesisneural stem cells in the development of the brain using the fruit fly Drosophila as a model.

+ To produce sex cells, the stem cells go through a different division process called meiosis.
+ He discovered a molecular production program followed by stem cells as they develop in the brain.

+ They are now used in medical therapies, and researchers expect that stem cells will be used in many future therapies.

+ In 1981 they were the first to grow embryonic mice stem cells in a laboratory.

+ Meristematic cells have the same function for plants as stem cells have for animals.

+ A benefit of getting amniotic stem cells is that risk to the foetus is low.

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