How to use in sentence of “spoken language”

How to use in-sentence of “spoken language”:

+ English is the second most commonly spoken language among Singaporeans.

+ Telugu is the most widely spoken language of the Dravidian family which consists of 24 languages spanning all of South Asia, from Baluchistan to Sri Lanka.

+ The spoken language in the city is called Herati Persian or just Herati.

+ With around 380 million native speakers, it is the second most spoken language in the world, as a native language.

+ The majority of the people speak Pahari, the second most spoken language of Kashmir after Kashmiri.

+ It was supplanted by Egyptian Arabic as a spoken language toward the early modern period.

+ When combining native and non-native speakers, English is the most widely spoken language worldwide.

How to use in sentence of spoken language
How to use in sentence of spoken language

Example sentences of “spoken language”:

+ Chinese characters are used to write various languages in China and elsewhere, including Mandarin, the most widely spoken language in China, Cantonese languageCantonese, spoken in Hong Kong and southern China, and Classical Chinese, traditionally used for formal writing.

+ Demotic Egyptian first appears about 650 BC and survived as a spoken language until the fifth century AD.

+ While Spanish is the most spoken language in the country, other languages like Catalan, Basque or Galician are also spoken in a few territories.

+ The most spoken language in Mexico is Spanish.

+ The Italian language is the third most spoken language in the Republic of Croatia today.

+ It plays a key-role in the made-up world of Ill Bethisad, where Latin languageLatin took the place of Old Celtic as the spoken language of the people in Great Britain, thus giving way to the development of Brithenig.

+ Tigrinya is the fourth most spoken language in Ethiopia after Amharic, Oromo, Somali and the most widely spoken language in Eritrea.

+ However, Gorontaloan language is the most common spoken language in the province.

+ The spoken language of Vietnam changes in each province.

+ Usually, deaf people just write the spoken language in their country.

+ Chinese characters are used to write various languages in China and elsewhere, including Mandarin, the most widely spoken language in China, Cantonese, spoken in Hong Kong and southern China, and Classical Chinese, traditionally used for formal writing.

+ The most spoken language in the branch is Sidamo.

+ The Indo-European languages are the world’s most spoken language family.

+ Telugu is the widely spoken language in Kadapa.

+ Chinese characters are used to write various languages in China and elsewhere, including Mandarin, the most widely spoken language in China, Cantonese languageCantonese, spoken in Hong Kong and southern China, and Classical Chinese, traditionally used for formal writing.

+ Demotic Egyptian first appears about 650 BC and survived as a spoken language until the fifth century AD.

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