How to use in-sentence of “sonata”

How to use in-sentence of “sonata”:

+ His first proper pieces include a Piano Sonata and a String quartet.

+ It was written by Gustav Mahler in 1908-1909 as a symphony with sonata form.

+ Perhaps his best-known piece is the flute sonata “Undine”.

+ Perhaps his most famous is the La Folia sonata for Violin.

+ The piece is written in modified sonata form for the largest orchestra among Brahms’s 14 orchestral works.

+ His work “Das Lied von der Erde” is one his greatest works, combining song with the sonata form of a symphony.

How to use in-sentence of sonata
How to use in-sentence of sonata

Example sentences of “sonata”:

+ The Piano Sonata No.

+ César Franck wrote a canon for the fourth movement of his Sonata for Violin and Piano.
+ The sonata is one of the best piano works of the 20th century.

+ The Piano Sonata No.

+ César Franck wrote a canon for the fourth movement of his Sonata for Violin and Piano.

+ The sonata is one of the best piano works of the 20th century.

+ The trio sonata was written for flute, violin and basso continuo, but most of the other music does not show what instruments should play it.

+ The fourth movement may be called “Finale”; it can be in Rondo form or sonata form or a combination of these.

+ It does not include a movement in sonata form.

+ Rondo form is sometimes combined with sonata form to make something which is called “sonata rondo form”.

+ Many years later, he wrote another piano sonata which is also in A flat major, and this piece one has the opus number of 110 op.

+ His first Piano sonata in A flat major has the opus number of op.26.

+ The first movement is in sonata form.

+ In each sonata the violin is tuned in a different way.

More in-sentence examples of “sonata”:

+ The first movement of a symphony can be a fast movement, often in sonata form.

+ The movement is in sonata form.

+ In Sonata XI he even asks the violinist to make the two middle strings cross over between the bridge and the tailpiece so that the violin is tuned to two Gs and two Ds.

+ It is in sonata form.

+ It is followed by an quick section in sonata form.

+ In music the Romantic composers may still use plans like sonata form, but feelings and passions are important.

+ On 26 June 1788, he added the piece to his catalogue as “a little Piano Sonata for beginners”.

+ His 1932 recording of the Liszt Sonata is still considered by many to be the best ever, even though many other pianists have recorded it.

+ Ives often liked to quote bits of other pieces, and in this piano sonata he quotes the famous opening of Beethoven’s Symphony No.

+ The Sonata op 34 by Johannes Brahms started as a string quintet but he changed it to a piano concerto, then a piano duo, and eventually a piano quintet.

+ In music the Classical music periodClassical composers such as Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, and Schubert liked to compose music which had a clear plan like sonata form.

+ In the Classical music period the last movement of a symphony or sonata is very often a rondo.

+ The form of the movement is not much like the traditional sonata form.

+ In sonata rondo form the second tune is treated like the second subject in sonata form where it comes back in the main key the second time.

+ Some famous pieces in the key of F minor are Beethoven’s “Piano Sonata No.

+ A trio sonata is written for three voices, in other words, it can be played by three different instruments.

+ He wrote a ” Piano sonata in D minor” which shows the influence of Romantic musicRomantic composers such as Schumann.

+ The sonata rondo finale is written in E major.

+ Peter Cropper said that A major “is the fullest sounding key for the violin.”, when he was talking about Beethoven’s Violin Sonata No.

+ The Sonata has not been performed very often, but lately pianists, such as Marc-André Hamelin, have started to add it to their concerts.

+ The first movement would be in sonata form.

+ A composer could call any solo instrumental piece “sonata” if he or she wants to, but usually a sonata is quite a long piece with several movements.

+ They played Grieg’s Violin Sonata No.

+ Britten wrote cello music for him, including the “Britten: Cello SymphonyCello Symphony” and a Sonata for Cello and Piano.

+ The sonata was first performed in Basle in 1938 with the composer playing one piano and his wife Ditta playing the other one.

+ This kind of piece is the beginning of sonata form.

+ His serenade “Eine kleine Nachtmusik K525” is known everywhere, as is the “Turkish Rondo” from his “Piano Sonata in A K331″, the opening of the “Symphony No.

+ His collection of trio sonatas numbered opus 1 and 3 are sonata da chiesa: four movements finishing with a fugue.

+ But after Beethoven’s famous “Piano Sonata No.

+ Joseph HaydnHaydn, Mozart and Beethoven developed the idea of sonata form.

+ They often used a structure which was called sonata form.

+ This movement is in sonata form.

+ He dedicated his Piano Sonata No.

+ In the end, the story behind the sonata is a mystery.

+ All three movements are written in sonata form, a form reserved by classical composers for their more serious works.

+ Overtures are usually played in sonata form.

+ The first sonata in the group is No.

+ The first edition of the score has “Sonata quasi una fantasia” written as the heading, a title this work shares with its companion piece, Piano Sonata No.

+ He played many concerts to raise money for the war effort, and he asked people to call him “the American pianist.” Horowitz began playing music written by an American composer, Samuel Barber, and gave the world’s first performances of the Barber’s Piano Sonata and Excursions.

+ It is in time, and it uses sonata form.

+ There are sonatas and sonatinas for violin and piano, and a sonata for an instrument called the “arpeggione” which was used for about ten years after it was invented and then it was forgotten.

+ Scriabin’s Piano Sonata No.

+ The A major sonata is unique among Mozart’s piano sonatas.

+ At the 1979 Edinburgh Festival he performed both with the horn player Barry Tuckwell who played his Horn Sonata as well as in late-night cabaret.

+ Instead, the sonata has an end-weighted path, with the faster more technically complex music saved until the third movement.

+ The fourth and last movement is in sonata rondo form.

+ The sonata is normally played on a cello or a viola nowadays.

+ This shows that he wrote this sonata when he was young in his composing career.

+ The first movement is written in sonata form.

+ The first movement of a symphony can be a fast movement, often in sonata form.

+ The movement is in sonata form.

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