How to use in sentence of “Some time”

How to use in-sentence of “Some time”:

+ YuHuan was an only son of Aisin GioroAixinjueluo Pu Shu Ming who has lived in the Prince Gong Mansion for some time after the Qing Dynasty was overruled.

+ During World War I Berg spent some time in an army training camp.

+ The game was banned for some time due to people falling and being injured or killed.

+ Haeckel took this to mean that some time before our species became human, we were fish-like.

+ I realise to do it would take me some time and maybe another time when I have time.

+ Maxim, I guess we sort of discussed this on IRC too, some time ago.

+ The Seljuk Sultanate of Rûm Collapsed In 1308, Some time after The Mongol Invasion.

How to use in sentence of Some time
How to use in sentence of Some time

Example sentences of “Some time”:

+ Sometimes they can be first coccoid but after some time they change to rods.

+ Please take some time to read the proposal, and give your thoughts.

+ For some time during the war, the Shenandoah Valley had been a series of problems for the Union Army.

+ The islands have been in dispute for some time by both Korea and Japan.

+ A port of 2X was made to the PlayStation but was not released until some time after a port of Bust-A-Move 2 was released; therefore, it is not so well known.

+ Okay, I’ve been refraining from speaking about this for some time now, but enough is enough; so here goes….

+ Sometimes they can be first coccoid but after some time they change to rods.

+ Please take some time to read the proposal, and give your thoughts.
+ For some time during the war, the Shenandoah Valley had been a series of problems for the Union Army.

+ The only certainty is that Amin was born some time during the mid-1920s.

+ This applies particularly to the last Commonwealth King Stanisław August Poniatowski, who for some time had been a lover of Russian Empress Catherine the Great.

+ I have been tagging articles for improvement for some time now.

+ The decision to disband Deep Purple had been made some time before the last show by Lord and Ian Paice.

More in-sentence examples of “Some time”:

+ Carlisle also spent some time working with the Volturi.

+ This discussion will also give the article creator some time to show in what way this school is notable.
+ After 1947, for quite some time he remained an active political figure and member of parliament.

+ Carlisle also spent some time working with the Volturi.

+ This discussion will also give the article creator some time to show in what way this school is notable.

+ After 1947, for quite some time he remained an active political figure and member of parliament.

+ A marot jar is a special kind of syphon or siphon device invented some time during the 1700s.

+ They believe those ideas took some time to be thought out.

+ It was published in New York City, New York by the American Anti-Slavery Society beginning in 1835 and ending some time before 1839.

+ Dawson died some time at the start of January 2007, while driving with his nephew across the Great Victoria Desert.

+ He was some time teacher in high school.

+ Sei Shōnagon completed this book some time between 1000 and 1010 CE.

+ In the early 1840s Mendelssohn spent some time in Berlin.

+ Both species share a common ancestor that migrated from Kamtchatka to Alaska some time in the Pleistocene.

+ It looks to have stopped some time in the last couple of days.

+ I would also like to add that the page was deleted some time ago both on and, where the RfDs saw lots of sockpuppeting.

+ The Tukeit Hill Frog spends some time low in the trees, 1–3 metres, and some of the time on the ground.

+ He died some time between 25 October and 8 November 1633 at Plymouth.

+ I expect that this will drag on for some time though I’m pretty certain what the outcome will be already.

+ His musical training traces back to the adolescence, since some time referred to listen the Hip hop of the United States during this stage, doing allusion to his strong message of inconformity and open criticism to the society in general.

+ For the extra precision possible on a hard surface many painters continued to use wooden panels, some time after the rest of Western Europe had abandoned them; some used copper plates, usually recycling plates from printmaking.

+ He got a job as telegraph operator and spent some time working in Denmark.

+ As it happens, the Elamites managed to stay independent for some time after this disaster.

+ The British had said some time before, in 1839, that they would not let anyone control Belgium, and they kept their promise.

+ A distinct population emerged in North America in the 19th century some time after apples, a non-native species, were introduced.

+ He spent some time at the court of Duke Leopold V of Babenberg in Vienna.

+ Please spend some time at the for standards on presenting names and other data.

+ Many digital signal processing applications have Real-time computingreal-time constraints; that is, for the system to work, the DSP operation must be completed within some time limit.

+ But after some time Cenwalh grew tired of not being able to understand the bishop, who apparently did not speak the Anglo-Saxon language.

+ During those colonial times, some soldiers came here for some time but almost nobody lived here for a long time.

+ Beethoven spent some time working on the opera before he was completely happy with it.

+ What would people think about having a message box template that could be put on categories with fewer than 3 entries? Sometimes I see a new category with only one or two entries but I want to give some time for it to get more before I consider QDing it.

+ At some time while he was working on the “Brancacci Chapel”, Masaccio painted a fresco for another church in Florence, “Santa Maria Novella”, the church of the Dominican Order.

+ Hi guys, just here to give the semi-regular nudge for input into the various community processes! I’m pleased to report that WP:DYKDYK is currently running at a high for quite some time in terms of tickover and number of hooks, so thanks to everyone getting involved there – nice to be able to have enough nominated hooks to give us a bit of breather space in terms of keeping things updated! However, the same cannot be said for our PVGA, PGA and WP:PAD processes, unfortunately.

+ Archaeological evidence suggests that a small permanent Polynesian settlement existed on Henderson at some time between the twelfth and fifteenth centuries.

+ He spent some time in the French Navy.

+ Once the ID has been added, it may take some time before the article is removed from this category but it should be done automatically.

+ The members of Tool decided to take some time away after that.

+ Stevens was born some time in the 1910s.

+ In October 2006, GSN decided not to renew the show for a second season, although reruns remained on its schedule for some time afterward.

+ They had been part of the group who lived for some time along the river below Fort Snelling.

+ For some time now I’ve listened to quite a few people say that we need to focus on mainspace growth of the project.

+ I would encourage people to come down, relax, have a beer or a soda and either take some time off of the discussion or come back to it with a total “no one did wrong we just want to figure out best practices” mindset.

+ They are useful for looking at birds that stay in one place for some time such as ducks swimming on a lake, but no use for birds flying in the air or hopping quickly from one tree to another.

+ Dushku took some time off from acting to finish her last two years of high school.

+ As a student he had spent some time travelling to Paris twice a week by train from Le Havre.

+ He played for Queen Victoria and spent some time studying original manuscripts of Handel in the library of Buckingham Palace.

+ Afterwards, he also spent some time learning art at Edinburgh and Paris.

+ He also spent some time at sea and making a living as an “oyster pirate”.

+ The best-known member of this clan was late Malik Sir Khizar Hayat Tiwana who for some time remained Premier of the Punjab in British India, following Sir Sikandar Hayat Khan’s demise.

+ This too seems to have evolved in Africa and subsequently spread across the Old World until they reached Australia some time during the Middle Pleistocene, less than one million years ago.

+ Divorcing his first wife in 1899, he remarried a rich Parisian teacher some time after.

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