How to use in sentence of “site”

How to use in-sentence of “site”:

– It became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2008 under the combined title “San Marino Historic Centre and Mount Titano”.

– The Great Temple devoted to Huiztilopochtli and Tlaloc was approximately The site is part of the Historic Center of Mexico City, which was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1987.

– Each individual site has less need for their own bot operators, as everyone can contribute to everyone else.

– Prior to October 2006, the WHO’s site would give the correct page, but not the correct anchor if a capital letter was used.

– In October 2007, “The Daily Telegraph” reported that the Elstree site would be sold, and “Holby City” moved to share a set with “Casualty”, possibly in Cardiff.

How to use in sentence of site
How to use in sentence of site

Example sentences of “site”:

– Since this is the site where these kinds of tools were first discovered, these tools are called Oldowan.

– The site is located in Jerusalem Forest on the western slope of Mount Herzl.

– Many people have come across this site in one way or another because it is the default main page of Internet Explorer.

– The gate structure has been part of the Meknes protected heritage since 1914 and since 1996 has been used as a World Heritage Site along with the Old Town of Meknes.

– The site of the landfill will become the Freshkills Park.

– The World Heritage Site includes eight protected areas.

– In 2003 a memorial site was opened.

– Please let me know what it is that I do well on this site and what it is that I don’t do too well on this site as this will help me modify my behavior to exclude/include certain behaviors that I exhibit when editing this site.

- Since this is the site where these kinds of tools were first discovered, these tools are called Oldowan.

- The site is located in Jerusalem Forest on the western slope of Mount Herzl.

– In 720, a fortification on the site of the present castle was built by a Frankish troop.

– In 2014, it was the site of the Sinjar massacre.

– It was originally the site of a medieval hunting lodge.

– The “Chapelle expiatoire” was also built as a memorial to him, on the site of his original grave.

– Human remains were found at the site of the explosion.

– In 1945, the facility was chosen by the city of Chicago as the site for a facility to meet future aviation demands.

More in-sentence examples of “site”:

– The site was added to the on July 2006.

– It was also the site of the Battle of Frastanz in 1499.

– The site of Lascaux was added to the UNESCO World Heritage Sites list in 1979, under the name of the Vézère Valley.

– This site has produced some of the best preserved trilobites ever found, including enrolled specimens with soft body parts.

– Once Normandy had been chosen as the site of the invasion, it was decided to attempt to trick the Germans into thinking it was a fake invasion and that the true invasion was to be elsewhere.

– It is in the World Heritage Site of Santiago de Compostela.

– The site covers and includes the Bungle Bungle Ranges.

– Fairs were held on the site three times a year until the 19th century.

– He chose Auschwitz ” of its easy access by rail and also because the extensive site offered space for measures ensuring isolation.” This meant that Auschwitz was big enough that the genocide of the Jews could be kept secret.

– Millions of years ago, the site was that of a large lake, the shores of which were covered with successive deposits of volcanic ash.

– The top of a pass is often the only flat ground in the area so it is often a good site for buildings.

– Corydon was the site of the only Civil War battle fought in Indiana.

– In the town of Kelliher, Minnesota, there is a park called Paul Bunyan Memorial Park, where there is a grave site that says that Paul Bunyan is buried there.

– A high and dry site is very important for millimeter wavelength work.

– The town was the site of a Bad Reichenhall ice rink roof collapsedisaster on January 2, 2006, when the roof of the town’s ice rink collapsed under snow, killing 15 and injuring 34 others.

– Meanwhile, their new 10,000-seat arena will be built on the site of the old Malley.

– The site of Williamstown he named Port Harwood, after the captain of one of his ships.

– The stadium was built at the same site of Campo de Chamartín.

– It is also the site of the New England Air Museum.

– In 1948 the site that would become Mill Ends Park was supposed to be the site for a light pole.

– The actual site of his grave is not known.

– The oldest monumental architecture at the site dates to the 4th century BC.

– Howitt found the remains of both leaders, Robert O’Hara Burke and William John Wills and buried them close to the site of Innamincka.

– Clunes was the site of the first gold rush in Victoria.

– The roots of the city go up in Celtic Gaul, and are anchored in two feudal mounds, a Gallo-Roman site and a Carolingian one.

– It is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Gough and Inaccessible Islands.

– Hundreds of wooden huts were built behind the site of the Hospital, increasing the capacity of Netley to some 5000 men.

– The Nevada Test Site is an area set aside for the testing of nuclear weapons.

– Construction of the track, on the site of the former Kaiser Steel Mill, began in 1995 and was completed in late 1996, The speedway has a capacity of 68,000 and 28 skyboxes and a total of 28,000, In 2006, a fan zone was added behind the main grandstand, Lights were added to the speedway in 2004 with the addition of a second annual NASCAR race weekend.

– The Carroll House is a registered national historical site in Fullerton.

– It is listed as a Ramsar ConventionRamsar site as being an important wetland area.

– The site is in Turkey: coordinates.

– In 1989, the Friends of Dinosaur Ridge formed to address increasing concerns regarding the preservation of the site and to offer educational programs on the area’s resources.

– The site was built between 2900 and 2600 BC, though there were possibly earlier buildings before 3000 BC.

– The site of Myles Standish’s house is now in a small park in the town of Duxbury, Massachusetts.

– The city was moved to its present site in 1685.

– A camping site near McKillops Bridge has excellent spots for swimming.

– The Wikimedia Foundation’s Multimedia team is happy to announce that Media Viewer was just released on this site today.

– This site counts the last 15,000 page views from each of approximately 30,000 websites.

– Parts of the site including the length of canal from Rhoswiel, Shropshire, to the Horseshoe Falls, Pontcysyllte Aqueduct, and Chirk Aqueduct were visited by inspectors from UNESCO in October 2008.

– Today, San Lorenzo remains a significant archaeological site because the artifacts found there–including the famous Colossal Heads and jade masks–shed some light on Olmec culture and its profound influence on later Mesoamerican civilizations, such as the Aztec and Maya.

– It is located on the former site of Qing Dynasty royal gardens and retains some Chinese-style landscaping as well as some traditional buildings, but many of its buildings are Western-style reflecting the American influence in its history.

– Lancaster Castle is well known as the site of the Pendle witch trials in 1612.

– The site is a small hillock where the battle was fought between the British Army and the Japanese Troops.

– Sacred Cenote is a well known cenote at the Maya civilizationMaya site of Chichen Itza.

– Clare College, Official site of Clare College, Cambridge.

– The burial site at Pentridge was rediscovered in 2008.

– The prison was the site of a riot in 1971, because prisoners wanted better conditions in it.

– It is also widely recognised as the most important site in Europe for finding dinosaur remains.

- The site was added to the on July 2006.

- It was also the site of the Battle of Frastanz in 1499.
- The site of Lascaux was added to the UNESCO World Heritage Sites list in 1979, under the name of the Vézère Valley.

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