How to use in-sentence of “sent”

How to use in-sentence of “sent”:

+ On January 3, 1954, Einstein sent the following reply to Gutkind: “The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish.

+ In these cases, Stalkers who were tough and resourceful enough to make it to or past the Brain Scorcher would be captured, brainwashed, and sent back into the outer areas of the zone on one of the “Death Trucks.” These agents were marked with the tattoo “S.T.A.L.K.E.R.” This is where Strelok, the main character, enters the story.

+ They sat down and sent the youngest to fetch 3 pies and 3 bottles of wine.

+ In the late 1940s, a single officer, Walter MacDougall, was sent to warn people in the area of the coming tests.

+ He was then sent to California where developed a reputation as an Native AmericanIndian fighter.

+ At the end of the series, he is sent to the afterlife by Inuyasha.

How to use in-sentence of sent
How to use in-sentence of sent

Example sentences of “sent”:

+ Around the same time, the Indian Air Force warned against Xiaomi phones, stating that they were a national threat as they sent user data to an agency of the Chinese government.

+ However, these people were not sent to live in certain compounds at random.

+ It was sent out to meet Comet Tempel 1, and to crash a smaller space rocket deep into the comet’s surface.

+ In prison, he also met Ilyinsky, who had been sent to prison for killing his father.

+ When they stopped being good people and did bad things, the gods sent earthquakes and fire to destroy Atlantis.

+ On 12 July 2016, the Supreme Court of Kyrgyzstan revoked the life sentence against Askarov and sent his case to the Chui Oblast Court for review.

+ An electric signal is sent to the gate, which creates an electric field that alters the connection between the “source” and “drain”.

+ The French king also wanted to see peace between England and Scotland and he sent two delegates.

+ In March of 1968, the Senate sent a weaker version to the House of Representatives.

+ To find out if any Allied naval forces were coming, the Japanese sent submarines to wait southwest of Guadalcanal.

+ Fischer was sent to the hospital, and it was announced later that he would fully recover.

+ The idle apprentice is sent to the gallows by the industrious apprentice himself.

+ The island was in a bad economic depression, and Spanish general Valeriano Weyler, sent to crush the rebellion, herded Cuban peasants into concentration camps leading hundreds of Cubans to their deaths.

+ Athens sent her soldiers against the Persian soldiers: at the Battle of Marathon they defeated the Persians.

+ His father did not want to at first, but when the boy was nine he was sent to study at the École Niedermeyer in Paris.

+ Cobain sent him a demo of his band Fecal Matter.

+ The movie is about the adventure of Trip as he is sent on an urgent mission.

+ He was sent down to play for their American Hockey LeagueAHL-affiliate, the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins.

+ Around the same time, the Indian Air Force warned against Xiaomi phones, stating that they were a national threat as they sent user data to an agency of the Chinese government.

+ However, these people were not sent to live in certain compounds at random.
+ It was sent out to meet Comet Tempel 1, and to crash a smaller space rocket deep into the comet's surface.

More in-sentence examples of “sent”:

+ When people first went to space they didn't know how the effects of microgravity would have on humans so they sent animals instead.

+ Some people sent mean messages to her mom on Facebook.

+ When people first went to space they didn’t know how the effects of microgravity would have on humans so they sent animals instead.

+ Some people sent mean messages to her mom on Facebook.

+ When he was 10 years old, they sent him to work for a goldsmith.

+ He sent his writings to local newspapers.

+ Dürer appears to have been collecting for his own cabinet of curiosities, and he sent back to Nuremberg various animal horns, a piece of coral, some large fish fins, and a wooden weapon from the East Indies.

+ Richard sent Edward and his brother to live in the Tower of London.

+ When he died, the Council sent Giles to Sunnydale to become her watcher.

+ Ball was not sent to prison, but to a mental hospital.

+ I also have articles that can be sent in from magazines line The Hollywood Reporter, Variety, etc.

+ He was guilty of many crimes over twenty years, and was eventually sent to a concentration camp where it is assumed that he died.

+ He therefore broke cover, returned to his vehicle which was still burning, and calmly and concisely sent a lucid situation report by radio.

+ He was then sent to Corinth, Greece, where he helped the Christians there to follow Paul’s teachings.

+ Anne Marie’s eldest child, Marie Adélaïde of Savoy, was sent to Versailles as a young girl in order to learn her future role as queen of France, but she died in 1712.

+ Amaterasu sent him to bring peace to Japan by bringing the three gifts from Heaven used by the emperor.

+ God could not ignore the immorality and wickedness of this world, so He finally sent me to correct these things and to tear down the barriers of war and conflict for all eternity.

+ It began with the young Anastasia Nicholaievna and her family being sent to Yekaterinburg, where they are killed by Bolshevik soldiers.

+ In 2012, it was revealed that an individual claiming to be Omar sent a letter to President of the United StatesPresident Barack Obama in 2011, expressing slight interest in peace talks.

+ When the conflict between Fontaine and Ryan reached a stalemate, Jack was sent instructions to board a flight with a package and to use its contents, a revolver, to hijack and crash the plane near the lighthouse, enabling him to return to Rapture as a tool of Fontaine.

+ They chose Aras to be sent to Exile Island.

+ She meets Oz when it is sent to the Abyss and offered him a contract to help out.

+ Out of 93 people indictmentindicted by the ICTR, 61 were found guilty and sent to prison.

+ The Newcastle Covering Force was soon re-named the 10th Division and Murray was sent to Western Australia in August 1942 to lead the 4th Division which was then moved to North Queensland due to fears of Japanese invasion during April and May 1943.In October 1944, he was made General of the Rear Echelon at Mareeba, before commanding the Northern Territory Force from March, 1945 until January, 1946, when he retired.

+ The court upheld the verdict, but sent the case back to Mauritania’s supreme court.

+ With the Resistance on the verge of victory, Skynet sent a Terminator back in time to kill Sarah before John is born, to prevent the formation of the Resistance.

+ Lastly, FC UtrechtElinkwijk defeated GVAV 2–1 to stay in the Eredivisie, while GVAV were sent to the Eerste Divisie.

+ Thousands of letters were sent to London Zoo officials.

+ On 1 January 2015 the former municipalities of Ardez, Guarda, SwitzerlandGuarda, Tarasp, Ftan and Sent merged into the muncipality of Scuol.

+ The European powers sent ships around the world to search for new trading routes.

+ Cash was sent to Norfolk Island for ten years.

+ His body was sent back to his home for burial.

+ He was sent to Siberia.

+ Then, his remains were cremated and sent to Scottsdale where they were later interred in the memorial garden.

+ He was born into a large family and was sent to live with a foster-nurse for four years.

+ In order to stop the communists from taking over Vietnam, McNamara sent more troops to the country.

+ However, his stepfather refused to raise another man’s son, and so Arthur was sent to an orphanage.

+ She tried to suicidekill herself with poison, and was sent to recover in a convent in France.

+ Shortly after the people left the village, the soldiers executed twelve of the young men, and five were taking to drive an army vehicle as human shields and later sent to a prisoners of war camp.

+ His training is disrupted by news that the Varden are being attacked by a huge army sent by Galbatorix.

+ Her disco cover of The Elgins’ “Heaven Must Have Sent You” became a U.S.

+ Many inmates sent to Jasenovac were scheduled to be murdered.

+ The Republic sent Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi to negotiate with the Viceroy, Gunray assumed they had arrived to force a negotiation so, after consulting Darth Sidious, ordered their death.

+ Ratchet is the only son of Kaden and was sent from Fastoon of the Polaris Galaxy to Veldin of the Solana Galaxy so he wouldn’t be hunted down by Emperor Percival Tachyon.

+ During the battle the chief of the German General Staff, Erich Von Falkenhayn, was relieved from duty and sent to lead a joint Austro-Hungarian EmpireAustrian, German and Paul Von Hindenburg as Chief of Staff.

+ The government of North Korea sent Lee and her family to a labor camp.

+ The four torpedo planes sent after “Yorktown” were from “Zuikaku”.

+ Black nationalist leader Malcolm X sent an open telegram to George Lincoln Rockwell, the leader of the Nazi Party in the United States.

+ Singapore has sent Sportspersonathletes to most Summer Olympic Games held since 1948.

+ It is also illustrated by the report sent by Hans Helm to Eichmann, saying that the Jews will first be collected in Stara-Gradiska,and that “Jews employed in ‘forced labor’ in Ustaše camps”, mentioning only Jasenovac and Stara Gradiska” will not be deportated”.

+ Shigetsugu Honda, whose son was the first lord of Maruoka Castle, sent a letter to his wife during a war at Shitaragahara in 1575.

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