How to use in sentence of “scarce”

How to use in-sentence of “scarce”:

+ Game was scarce and the bison were nearly gone.

+ More scarce goods and services have higher prices, because of supply and demand.

+ Stuart decided they could not get any further north because they were running out of food, water was scarce and the horses were in poor condition.

+ Heavy metals are scarce in the Earth’s crust because most have sunk into the Earth’s core.

+ One problem as I see it is how to best use the scarce time and resources of editors on GA/VGA.

+ Food was scarce in Sydney at that time and prices were high, yet there were plenty of pigs in the Society Islands.

How to use in sentence of scarce
How to use in sentence of scarce

Example sentences of “scarce”:

+ Intellectual property laws have the effect of converting some goods to scarce goods by law.

+ Bee-keeping is common, and where trees are scarce the hives are placed on the roof of the hut.

+ The importance of the slide rule began to diminish as electronic computers, a new but very scarce resource in the 1950s, became widely available to technical workers during the 1960s.

+ Capturing insects provides nitrogen and phosphorus, which are usually scarce in such conditions.

+ Knowledge will not be a scarce resource any more, but that will not lead to more rational decisions in most of the cases, because the knowledge on its own is not sufficient to change behavior when strong interests are involved.

+ On the Oregon Trail, pioneering families collected large quantities of “buffalo chips” in lieu of scarce firewood.

+ Goods and services are also scarce because there are only a Constraintlimited priorities.

+ They became so scarce that hunters had difficulty finding any.

+ Although these goods are free goods when they have been produced, they did require scarce resources, such as artistic skill, to create them in the first place.

+ Some things are useful but not scarce such as air and are referred to as “free goods” and “common goods”.

+ They have continued to grow because natural rubber is becoming scarce and also because for some uses they are better than natural rubber.

+ In a spectaculary match against Chinas Wang Hao he lost very scarce with 2:4 games.

+ They occur in warm, dry environments, and are scarce or absent in humid, cooler places.

+ Information is scarce on minority adherents.

+ These plants grow in extremely scarce condition of water like ber.

+ This includes domination of food sources and competition for scarce nesting hollows.

+ Intellectual property laws have the effect of converting some goods to scarce goods by law.

+ Bee-keeping is common, and where trees are scarce the hives are placed on the roof of the hut.
+ The importance of the slide rule began to diminish as electronic computers, a new but very scarce resource in the 1950s, became widely available to technical workers during the 1960s.

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