How to use in sentence of “rock formation”

How to use in-sentence of “rock formation”:

+ The granite rock formation is about high.

+ The oldest rock formation on Earth may be the Acasta Gneiss in the Canadian Shield in the Northwest Territories, Canada.

+ An inselberg or monadnock is a large rock formation that sits on its own, surrounded by flat lowlands.

+ So the development of the rock formation will be affected and not will not be natural anymore.

+ The ORS is a rock formation which varies from place to place as the circumstances at the time must have varied.

+ Rusk documents in 1951 states that “As regards the island of Dokdo, otherwise known as Takeshima or Liancourt Rocks, this normally uninhabited rock formation was according to our information never treated as part of Korea and, since about 1905, has been under the jurisdiction of the Oki Islands Branch Office of Shimane Prefecture of Japan.

How to use in sentence of rock formation
How to use in sentence of rock formation

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