How to use in-sentence of “roasting”

How to use in-sentence of “roasting”:

+ Grain coffee and other substitutes can be made by roasting or decocting various organic substances.

+ They are increasing in popularity due to demand for large peanuts for processing, particularly for salting, confections, and roasting in the shells.

+ Mercury is made by roasting cinnabar in a furnace.

+ Romans liked to make mealtimes fun by roasting hare with wings stuck on them to look like a flying horse.

+ Arsenic trioxide is made by burning arsenic in air, reacting arsenic with concentrated sulfuric acid, or the roasting of arsenic sulfide ores.

+ Today, most kinds of Bratwurst are prepared by roasting them.

How to use in-sentence of roasting
How to use in-sentence of roasting

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