How to use in sentence of “right hand”

How to use in-sentence of “right hand”:

+ Stuart was in poor health, almost blind, and had a crippled right hand after the sixth trip.

+ The shown value should match the right hand side of.

+ Geb held a staff in his left hand and in his right hand he usually held an ankh, which is the hieroglyph that meant life.

+ The right hand plucks or strums the strings, either with the fingers or using a plectrum, to make them sound.

+ It has lots of quick notes in the right hand and a big tune in the pedals.

+ The flag is red with the British Union Jack in the top left corner and the provincial shield is on the right hand side of the flag.

How to use in sentence of right hand
How to use in sentence of right hand

Example sentences of “right hand”:

+ It makes it possible for the right hand to play the tune on one manual while the left hand plays an accompaniment more quietly on the other.

+ The right hand is occupied with playing mostly thirds and sixths through the A section.

+ This effect ends if if a male uses his left hand more than his right hand since birth.

+ Alternatively, if you just want a single column, you can use to fill in a blank right hand column.

+ The music for a pianist’s left hand may be written in the bass clef, and the right hand notes may be in the treble clef.

+ The Shield : red bands drawn diagonally across to the right hand side.

+ This means that if a person points the thumb of their right hand in the direction of the current, the magnetic field would go around the wire the same way their fingers would wrap around the wire.

+ In a middle section, the left hand holds a pedal point in A-flat major, to which the right hand adds colours.

+ He is shown touching the earth with his right hand and holding an upright thunderbolt in his left hand.

+ In his right hand he holds a dagger and wound around his head is a death bandage.

+ If there is a long pizzicato section then it is more comfortable to put the bow down instead of holding it in the right hand all the time.

+ The Wikidata property from which a parameter’s value is called and the when the data must be structured in order to be called is listed in the right hand column.

+ Christianity, which began in Israel with Jewish followers of Jesus, holds that the Messiah foretold by the Jewish Scriptures is Jesus, and that in fulfillment of prophecy Jesus died for the sins of the world, rose from the dead and lives today, seated at the right hand of God until His return.

+ To play the piano, the pianist has to learn to play a tune in the right hand and accompaniment in the left hand, or the tune might be passed from one hand to the other.

+ Some textbooks show the right hand sign of the integral form with an “N” in front of the flux derivative.

+ It makes it possible for the right hand to play the tune on one manual while the left hand plays an accompaniment more quietly on the other.

+ The right hand is occupied with playing mostly thirds and sixths through the A section.
+ This effect ends if if a male uses his left hand more than his right hand since birth.

More in-sentence examples of “right hand”:

+ This part of the colon goes from the cecum up the right hand side of the abdomen.

+ By convention, the direction of the vector area is given by the right hand grip rule.

+ Garfield could write in Greek languageGreek with his left hand and Latin with his right hand at the same time.

+ When Marge is about to leave Vancouver, she reveals that she is left-handed to Homer and says that she always used her right hand to not seem unusual.

+ It then leads back to the pit straight via a tight right hand turn.

+ The second term on the right hand side is the displacement current as originally conceived by Maxwell, associated with the polarization of the individual molecules of the dielectric material.

+ She had a projecting tooth under the upper lip, and on her right hand six fingers.

+ Hantuchová holds her racket in her right hand but uses both hands when playing backhand shots.

+ They can play harmonics with the right hand by stopping the string with the upper knuckle of the second finger and plucking with the thumb.

+ Then, Right Hand Man catches up with you and you must fight him, and both the possible options are correct.

+ This is why you can not put a left handed glove on your right hand, or shake the right hand of a person using your left hand.

+ The direction of the angular velocity vector is perpendicular to the plane of rotation, in a direction which is usually specified by the right hand rule.

+ These seals secured the apocalyptic document, that was in the right hand of God.

+ On Google the adverts are displayed either at the very top of the search results with an orange background, on the right hand side or in both these places.

+ It is only the left hand which fingers the notes because the right hand is either plucking or bowing.

+ In her form with two arms, Parvati holds her right hand up in blessing and holds a lotus flower in her left hand.

+ It places a Wikisource poster box on the right hand side of the screen.

+ In the Catholic tradition, the right hand goes from the forehead, to the chest, and then to the left and right shoulders.

+ The Tour through the Minster are best started at the right hand side of the entrance in the southern wing.

+ If the electric flux density does not change very fast, the second term on the right hand side is very small and can be left out, and then the equation is the same as Ampere’s law.

+ Generally, the nails of the right hand are kept long, whilst the nails of the left are cut short, so as to be able to press on the strings without difficulty.

+ Road traffic in the United Kingdom drives on the left hand side of the road, and the driver steers from the right hand side of the vehicle.

+ All good articles come with a template that is located on the top right hand corner of that article.

+ By holding your right hand as shown in the picture, your thumb points in the direction of points.

+ As a child, he started playing with only his right hand and fake playing with his left.

+ Indy Cars look very similar to Formula One cars, but race on oval tracks that have only banked left-hand turns, and more complex road courses which have both left and right hand turns.

+ But he bats too well in Test cricket.Ashwin is a right hand batsman.

+ On a piano, starting with the thumb and going along the fingers to the little finger means going to higher notes in the right hand and to lower notes in the left hand.

+ He practised a piece called “Islamey” by Mily BalakirevBalakirev but damaged his right hand doing it.

+ The first hole of the right hand position is left open.

+ Some prisoners were condemned to amputation of their right hand and nose.

+ Orochimaru’s right hand and spy.

+ The quantity in parentheses on the right hand side is in fact.

+ He is alive forever and sitting at God’s right hand on a throne.

+ The left hand plays quarter notes but briefly joins the right hand in playing eighth notes at the beginning of the second 8 bar passage.

+ Most members have a shell, which is in one piece and coiled or spiralled; it usually opens on the right hand side.

+ The staff she holds in her right hand is a symbol of power.

+ Canada, Myanmar, Gibraltar, British Indian Ocean Territory, and a few countries in West Africa like Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and the Gambia all switched to driving on the right hand side of the road.

+ The right hand grip rule can also be used to determine the signs.

+ The former goalkeeper suffered a fractured right hand and a cerebral edema.

+ Instead, he carved his mask at the bottom right hand corner.

+ The music may be played on the piano with the right hand playing the tune and the left hand playing the accompaniment.

+ Every throw can be done with the right hand or the left hand and this is shown in the “hand” column.

+ Additionally, through the parameter, the left and right hand termini are generated.

+ He was an all rounder, a right hand batsman and right arm fast bowler.

+ This part of the colon goes from the cecum up the right hand side of the abdomen.

+ By convention, the direction of the vector area is given by the right hand grip rule.

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