How to use in-sentence of “ribosome”

How to use in-sentence of “ribosome”:

– She made the first model of a large ribosome in 1980.

Ribosomes read codons, ‘words’ made of three base pairs that tell the ribosome which amino acid to add.

– The ribosome resumes protein synthesis, but now the protein is moving through the SRP-receptor transmembrane pore.

– So, a ribosome works a lot like a stock ticker and ticker tape.

– Also called “catalytic RNA”, ribozymes work in the ribosome to link amino acids during protein synthesis.

– The ribosome scans along an mRNA, reading the code while it makes protein.

– When the SRP-ribosome complex binds to a cell membrane receptor, SRP releases the ribosome and drifts away.

How to use in-sentence of ribosome
How to use in-sentence of ribosome

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